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One day I wanna make a story abt an innocent guy and he's new to a highschool for ppl with like not-quite-magic-just-advanced-abilities and then there's this like psychopath-ish guy and he's pretty well-known for like doing murder-ish stuff but the guy doesn't actually
k!ll people he's just like into b!00d and
v!0l3nce and int3st!nes and stuff like that and the innocent guy falls in love with the psychopath guy and he's like "idk I rlly like him guys" and his friends are like "nonono he's bad news don't he d!s3mb0wles people bad idea he'll kill you" but he can't help it! And so he falls in love further and the psychopath starts falling too but he's like denying it an stuff and decides he'll just "fake" it and gut the new kid later but... they start dating and the psychopath grows soft and overprotective over the new guy :") he's still into int3st!nes and stuff but he lives the new guy and the new guy loves him and it's cute :3

Well that's all from Raiden at.. Jesus Christ I think my alarm clock said 11:24 pm but idfk it's late, I've had too much coffee and I can't see ever lmao. Welp gnighty Ig EW MIRRORS IS PLAYING NOOOOO /j sorry bye my new favorite song is Moon by Jonah Kagen YES ITS A REAL SKNG AND MY LOOPY BRIAN DIDNT MAKE IT UP!!! ok uhhhhh bye I think.. I'll prolly hop back on soon....... Heh-

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