Warm Food

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A high profile hacker was on the loose in LA, and was very skilled in getting away. As such, 2 days had passed, and the team was still trying to find him, and politicians were constantly bothering Hetty with calls.

'Should I be concerned about you developing a drinking problem?' Granger asked, because it seemed like all Hetty was drinking when he saw her was Scotch.

'No, you don't. I drink tea as well. Besides, I need something to take the edge off when I'm getting shouted at over the phone.' Hetty replied.

'I can see. Just, remember to take it easy.' Then he walked off.

'Easy for him to say. All of the calls are going to me and he's not always getting shouted at for lack of updates.' Hetty cynically thought.

The next day, the hacker was finally caught, and Hetty could finally relax.

'Bet you're happy that's over.' Granger remarked.

'More then you'll ever know. I could really use a nice dinner right now.' Hetty replied.

'Want pizza?' I'll order from that place you seem to really like.'

'Thank you dear, that'd be very nice.'

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