Sewing Day Off

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Kensi and Deeks finally had a day off, and they were wondering what to do.

'Nell said yesterday that she was making warm sweaters to donate to Goodwill. Let's head over there.' Kensi suggested.

'You sure? Not sure how I feel about sewing needles.' Deeks replied.

'She has 2 sewing machines, I think we'll be fine.'

Nell's house.

'Who are the 2 tiny dogs?' Deeks asked.

'They're my neighbor's. She went out of town for a few days, and I offered to look after them. They're harmless, so don't worry.' Nell replied.

They then got to making their sweaters. Kensi and Nell's turned out pretty good. Deeks's however, turned out bizarre.

'Wow. These turned out way too big. Any chance there's some really fat people who can fit into these?' He asked.

'I tried to tell you that you were using too much fabric.' Kensi pointed out.

'It wasn't that, it was those tiny dogs! The way they kept staring at me with their judgemental looks, it was like Hetty was staring at me the whole time! She's the smallest team member, and that is the smallest breed of dog!' Deeks rambled.

Kensi and Nell snickered at his silliness.

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