Time well spent

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Determined to finally have some quality time with her sweetie, Hetty invited Granger to have lunch with her at a joint that had a bar.

'Man, this smells amazing! How do they do it here?' Granger asked, loving the food.

'It's all grilled medium rare. I figured you'd like it here since you macho types tend to love your grilled food.' Hetty replied.

'You think I'm macho?'

Hetty snickered.

'Say, I see a dart board over there. Want to do a couple rounds before we head back to work?' Granger asked.

Hetty checked her watch. 'Sure, we have a half hour.'

What was supposed to be a couple rounds, ended up being multiple rounds. And they were there for near a whole hour.

'Okay, the score is 50 points for me, 40 for you. You need to hit the bull eye's to tie my score, again.' Hetty said.

'Okay, we. Are just too good at this if we keep having to have tie breakers!' Granger replied.

Then Hetty got a text.

'Oh bugger. We have to get back pronto! We should've left 15 minutes ago!'


Garage at work.

'Say, that was really fun. Thank you.' Granger said in gratitude.

'You're very welcome. And also, I definitely beat you at darts!' Hetty replied, proud of herself.

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