Lost without him

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Takes place sometime in Season 11.

Hetty's office.

'Nice pic, who's in it?' Callen asked.

'Oh, just an old photo of Owen. Want to see?' Hetty replied.

Callen took a look, and was quite stunned.

'Wow. Just, can't picture him with hair.' He said.

'Yeah. He looked weird, like me with my weirdly shaped and well, everything about me! (chuckles).' Hetty replied.

'Nah. I don't really remember you looking weird. Bizarre looking, but not weird.'

Hetty snickered.

'I miss him too, and everyone else does as well.' Callen said.

'Mmm. Sometimes, it feels like, I feel a bit lost without him. If that doesn't feel weird.' Hetty responded.

'None at all. Kensi felt the same for a while after Dom, well. Until Deeks joined. Missing a partner is very normal. I think you once told us that.'

'I think so, yeah. I know it's been 2 years, but. It still feels fresh.'

'Well, can I do something for you at least? How about we go to the art museum? I know you like it there.' Callen asked.

'Sure, I'd like that.' Hetty eagerly repied.

They had a great time. And Callen happened to see a familiar spark in Hetty's eyes that he hadn't seen since she came back home.

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