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Eric noticed how spazzed out Nell was being, so he went to Hetty to see if she could help.


'Eric, I'm not in the mood for your antics today, can you please leave me be?!' Nell exclaimed.

'I'm not Mr. Beale, but I can help if you let me.' Hetty replied.

Taken by surprise. 'Hetty! I um, I didn't see you there! That wasn't meant for you to hear.' Nell stuttered.

Hetty smiled, then sat down next to her.

'I'm not in trouble am I? I've been having a really challenging day, and I'm just so moody.' Nell nervously asked.

'No, you're not in trouble. I just want to know what's bothering you.' Hetty replied.

'Okay. The truth is, my sister took something valuable from me, well, 'borrowed' is her word. And she sort of lost it. She says she's trying to find it, but I know that when she loses things, she never finds them. And I'm worried that I'll never see it again.'

'Hmm. That's rough. I once had a friend who kept borrowing from me and never returning them. Always steamed my ire. I eventually had to tell him to back off if he was never going to return my stuff.'

'You think that's what I should do? Even though she's my sister?' Nell asked.

'Just, he be firm with her. Make it clear that if she doesn't return your stuff, she's cut off. It tends to get through to these moochers.' Hetty replied.

As weird as she felt doing it, Nell called her sister and told her exactly what Hetty told her, and very surprisingly, it worked!

We are Family 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin