Ice skating

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Indoor ice skating rink.

Nell decided to teach Eric how to skate. While Nell herself was very good, Eric was either flailing everywhere, or landing on his butt a lot.

'Come on Eric, you can do it!' Nell exclaimed after picking him up for the umpteenth time.

'I can't, I'm sorry. This is not only embarrassing, but our bosses over there are definitely enjoying this way too much!' Eric replied.

'Oh no no no no no no. Owen is enjoying this, me? I'm just, really trying not to laugh at this, sorry!' Hetty called out, failing not to laugh.

'See what I mean?' Eric whispered.

'Ah ignore them. They're just here for encouragement, or just to laugh. Either way, just calm down, and hold on to me until you feel comfortable enough to let go.' Nell replied.

After almost 5 minutes, Eric let go, and was actually able to stay up right! Well, until he got too cocky and ran into the wall and fell on his butt.

'Hey hey, I'm getting the hang of this!' He exclaimed.

'So, how long until 1 of his knees gives out or he actually starts bleeding somewhere?' Owen whispered.

'Oh Owen, have a little faith! I'm impressed he's lasted this long without quitting. ' Hetty replied.

'You skated before, right? How many times did you fall down?'

'None. I caught on almost immediately. Well okay, maybe once. But I was ver good at it!'

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