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'Miss Jones, how long have you been working today?' Hetty asked.

'Well, I got here at dawn, worked all morning with no bathroom breaks, 1 small lunch break, and mmm. (rubbing her forehead). It's been a very busy afternoon.'. Nell replied, sounding tired.

'You've had a busy day. Go home and rest.'

'But I still have 1 or 2 more things to finish.'

'No butts. You're tired, go home and come back tomorrow.' Hetty insisted. 'I'll finish up here.'

'Do you even know how to work the tech up here?'

'I can manage.'

Nell wanted to take a few minutes to explain how she did what she did, but Hetty wouldn't take no for an answer. She didn't really want to admit it, but she was really glad to be going home because she felt like she could've fallen asleep standing up!

The next morning, Nell got in early to make sure Hetty didn't accidentally delete anything, and to her surprise, everything was intact!

'I'm not as technically challenged as some may think. (wink wink)- H', read the note left next to her computer.

Smiling, 'No, you are not!'. Nell muttered.

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