Moving Forward

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Note: Thank you for tuning into another great collection!


At home.

'What was it like for you to move on from being a spy to working for NCIS?' Granger asked.

'Well, somewhat easy. The agency had become too corrupt, and I wanted a less risky job so I could 1 day raise Mr. Callen without much difficulty. And also because someone at NCIS asked me.' Hetty replied.

'Still though, going from a legendary spy to working for Navy cops, that's quite a change.'

'Once a spy, always a spy. You told me that yourself. Besides, you and I both know I never really stopped being a spy. (wink).'

'I did? How long ago was that?' Granger asked.

'Oh you! (light slap).' Hetty teased.

Granger slightly smiled.

'I do have 1 question though: You left the CIA well before I did, and you joined NCIS right after I did, or before. Was I a big reason as to why?' Hetty asked

'Well, I was tired of the corruptness. And I needed a change. Figured becoming a Navy cop would be as big of a change as it could be. And, I may had told a higher up or 2 about you and encouraged them to ask you to join if you ever decided to change careers.'

Astonished. 'Well, thank you very much! Because of you, we now both have better lives! It gets to be exciting yet also provide the stability we both want. And, (holding his hand), we get to try and be normal.' Hetty said.

Smiling. 'Guess you can say we really do have it all.' Granger replied.

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