Sleeping Agents

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Note: Yes, this was semi inspired by how Recruit ends. :)



'Isn't spying on them like this a bit creepy?' Granger asked when Hetty pulled up the hidden cameras she had on the agents tablets.

'Maybe. But seeing them flying home and knowing that they are safe, is very reasurring.' Hetty replied. 'That, and I don't think they know.'

Then they saw Callen give a wink and a wave.

'Except maybe him.' Granger remarked.

'Oh. Well, it's nothing.' Hetty replied.

They watched as Kensi and Deeks fell asleep, and saw Sam fall asleep on Callen's shoulder while Callen snickered.

'Wow. That is really adorable.' Granger said, semi sarcastically.

'It is. It's 2 partners who care about each other.' Hetty replied, smiling.

Putting his arm around her. 'I like that.'

Hetty smiled at his kind gesture.

They watched their sleeping agents for a few more minutes before deciding to go home.

'May I walk you home?' Granger asked.

'You may, kind sir.' Hetty warmly replied.

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