Getting Sleep

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At work.

'You sure you'll be okay? Nothing else I can do?' Hetty asked in a concerned voice.

'Positive. Go home and gets some sleep. With luck, the crook will show up before midnight.' Granger replied.

'You've been on this UC OP for 3 days already, you taking care of yourself?'

'Worry less about me and more on yourself. Nell told me she saw you sleeping on the couch this morning because you were waiting for me to give you an update!'

'What? I didn't even know she came in early!' Hetty exclaimed.

'Please, go home and rest. I'll try to call before midnight if I can.' Then he hung up.

Frustrated, Hetty went home and tried to seep, but it was hard. Sure, it was just a risky takedown at night, which she knew he had done many times. But she still couldn't help but worry that something would happen to him while she slept.

Midnight came, and no update. She tied to stay awake, but exhaustion and warm milk eventually took over, and she fell asleep.

A few hours later, she awoke to a knock on the bedroom door, it was Owen!

'Hey! Hope I didn't disturb you.' He said.

'No. No not really. I um. Well, how was it? Did you get him? Do you want something to eat?' She sleepily asked.

'It was successful. And I figured you'd still be sleepy, so I grabbed something downstairs.'

'Oh good. Because the truth is, I do not feel like cooking right now! (giggle).'

'I'll just head to the bathroom and I'll climb on in.'


'I sleep much better when I know you're safe.' Hetty sleepily said.

'I know. I get that way sometimes about you as well.' Granger replied.

'Well, welcome home.'

They both peacefully fell asleep, and slept in until 9, which was late for them, but they didn't really care.

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