Chapter 1: February 11th

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Sunday, February 11th

It was Sunday, a typical boring Sunday morning. I stopped going to church years ago but my boyfriend didn't, so that's where he was. With Cilan out of the house that meant I could watch another One Direction movie. Halfway someone knocked on the front room door. I paused the movie, rushed through the house and opened the door. It was Noah's mom, Mrs. Jones. She looked exhausted.

"Hi Avery. Sorry to show up unexpectedly but I found Alexis's," I rolled my eyes at her. That isn't his name.,"journal and was told to give it to you to read." I thanked her and closed the door as she left. I brought the journal to my room.

I open the journal and begin to read Noah's awful handwriting.

To whoever opens this, I figured out how to set scheduled emails so I sent momma this to send to Avery first, so hello so Avery.
-Noah, 02-02-2023
"Live Laugh and love? High expectations buddy"

February 11, 2022
Dear diary,
I'm going to be writing this as if I was writing to people cuz I like to pretend to be in a book or tv like my life is entertaining.
Anyway this is gonna be like a progress thing not so much of a diary
It'll be a weekly or daily thing. It's my birthday today right now too so that's fun!

Weight: 150.7 pounds
Height: 5'7
Name: Isaac

Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 15
Sexuality: Pan, demiromantic and demisexual
Metal shit: depression, anxiety and undiagnosed something. Idk what it is.
Relationship status: single asf. Not even a crush.
Now onto my insecurities ig cuz why not. I mean it's a progress report right?
My weight
My acne. It's not even that bad but it's caused some discoloration where it is.
My hair. It's just too much to handle so it never looks good.
My thighs. Too big for no reason. They're fat.
And the bumps on my arms. Idek what they are. Maybe eczema but idk and since I always forget to take care of them so they don't get better.
I guess that's it.

I close the journal and place it beside my bed. I just sat there, why did Noah want us to have his diary? There wasn't much that we didn't already know. Around that birthday he was still pretty open about everything. I wonder what's in here that we couldn't know until three years after his death. They told us almost everything and if not then he'd hint at it.

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