Chapter 14: June 18th

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Tuesday, June 18th

"Today's the big day, how do you guys feel?" I ask, straightening my suit.

"Nervous." "Excited" Hailey and Avery reply together. I turn to Avery.

"Everything is gonna be okay. Everything has been planned since May. Everything will be perfect. I promise. You're gonna walk down that aisle with Hailey and you're gonna marry that Pokemon freak and you're gonna have the best day of your life. Well second best, right after Niall hugging you on your birthday."' I say pulling her into a hug. She laughs wetly into my shoulder and I push her away from me lightly. "Absolutely not, no crying until after the wedding." I said, waving my finger in front of her face. She continues to laugh wetly but makes an effort to not let a tear drop. I walk the girls to the door and we wait for the music to start. While we're waiting I let my mind wander. This could've been Noah standing here with Avery or just standing in Avery's place for our own wedding day. But now he never gets the chance. He doesn't get to see his favorite couple get married, he doesn't get to see their kids, he couldn't even see them graduate. He missed so much and he's going to miss so much more. I never even got to see him in a suit.

Quietly the music starts playing and someone opens the doors from the outside. I walk the girls down the aisle taking in their partners. Ashley was wearing a sage green suit with her hair pulled back into a bun. Cilan is wearing an almost identical suit but in purple. Zephyr was standing across for them, right behind where the brides, where Avery, would stand. Finn stood next to him. Both were wearing an identical green suit. I wore my own green dress and would stand behind Cilan once we made it to the alter. If Noah was alive we would've been standing together behind Cilan watching as they got married. I handed Hailey to her future wife and turned to Avery. "You got this." I whisper to her as I kissed her cheek. I hand her to Cilan with a smile.

The ceremony was beautiful and the four of us did our little speech. We ate, we told stories, we laughed but it was time for the first dance for the two couples. The second I heard the whistle I started crying. Our song, they're dancing to our song. I don't remember planning this, I can't tell if this was for Noah or not. The couples danced with each other gliding about the room. When the song ended I rushed over to Avery and hugged her.

"This wasn't in the plans." I said sniffling. She looked over at Cilan. She looked so lovesick.

"It was Cilan's idea. We wanted to include Noah in our wedding since he had to miss it." She said with a soft smile. I turned to Cilan and gave him a hug.

"Thank you."

"Of course, and besides if it wasn't for Noah, Avery and I wouldn't be here."

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