Chapter 3: February 13th

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Tuesday, February 13th

July 15th 2022

Dear Diary,

I honestly don't know what to write. I mean nothing has really happened. Oh! Wait! I went skating with Ana and everyone there loved my outfit and I found someone with scary dog privileges. (Gods I want scary dog privileges) anyway I got up the courage to talk to the group and found out one of them, Roman, used to go to my old middle school! He was there with his group of friends so that was fun! I got their Instagrams and we started talking today. There was this one kid, Benji, who goes to school with Ana. We exchanged Instagrams and he DM'd me and we started talking. Benji is so fun to talk to! And he's so cute! I'd love to tease him but I'm waaaaay too scared. I told him about how I love Royal core and how I wish someone would hand write me a love letter. And he told me he would! I can't wait!

So that's when he met Benji. I remember when they got together, they were so smitten. It was cute. When Noah died, Benji took it the hardest, obviously. It was so bad that the school almost sent Benji to Brentwood, thankfully I was able to get them to change their mind and instead for their parents to transfer them over to my school claiming it will help Benji with his mourning. I told them that being surrounded by others who were affected as well, that would support him, would help. They agreed and Benji transferred over. Benji slowly started to heal.

I still remember when the school told us the news.

"Mrs. Twins? Can you send Avery Cherrybon to the office please?"

"Yes ma'am!" I slowly got up from my seat, confused.

I see Ash and Finn heading into the office.

"Do y'all know why y'all are in here?" They shook their heads. Damn.

Our guidance counselor waved us into her room.

"First I just want to say, if you need some time off from school then please take it. Your absences will be excused." Finn turned to me, confused. I shook my head.

"Second, I am so so sorry for your loss and just know that the school mourns with you."

"Um, excuse me but what are you talking about? And how does it affect all of us? We don't share any family." Ash cuts in.

"Wait, you mean you didn't know?"

"Know what?" Ash says sharply.

"Alexis committed suicide Saturday." I cover my mouth, eyes wide. On their birthday?

"Wait, on his birthday? There must be a mistake. He was supposed to spend his birthday with his boyfriend. Why would he do that?" Finn asked, rambling. "He was spending it with his boyfriend! They sent us pictures!" Finn's breathing started to pick up. He was panicking but I was frozen. I couldn't help him and neither could Ash. Ash, who was staring at the counselor. I shook my head, trying to break the fog, and stood up and walked over to Finn to help him calm down. It took a minute but I eventually got him to calm down.

"I- I think we're going to take the day off. I'll call home for us. Thank you for telling us." I gently grab Finn and Ash and bring them outside. I quickly text Hailey and tell her that we'll be heading home. I call my mom and tell her what happened and that I'm going to a friend's house to recover.

I sit next to Finn and pull him into my side, rubbing his arm. He hasn't stopped crying since we left the room. Ash still hasn't moved, I'm getting worried.

I call Finn's mom next and explain what happened. Her mom understands and gives him permission to stay with a friend if he has to. I also texted his girlfriend and asked if she could pick up Finn. She said yes and I could hear her running to her car.

Ash hands me his phone and I dial his boyfriend's number. I explain what happened and ask if we can spend the night at his house. He quickly agrees and says he'll be there soon to pick us up.

We ended up spending a week away from home, surrounding ourselves with each other. Sometime during the week I ended up calling Benji and dragging him over to Victor's house. It took Ash days before he would talk to anyone other than his boyfriend. Benji took even longer to talk to us and when he did he told us that he was with Noah when he died.

"Hey babe, you okay?" I hear Cilan ask from behind me. I shake the thoughts away.

"Yea, just thinking about Noah."

"Oh, his birthday was the other day wasn't it?" I nod.

"Well, how about we put on Tangled and cuddle?" I nod and he gets up to put in the movie. I fell asleep in Cilan's arms around me and to Rapunzel's singing.

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