Chapter 2: February 12th

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Monday, February 12

February 12, 2022
Dear diary,
It's been a day. No progress lol. Idk what to say honestly lol. Um I put up my pride flag today.
Oh! I didn't eat today lol it's only 1 pm but still. I haven't eaten today. Not that it's a good thing I'm just not hungry and I've been reading so I forgot that food existed lol. Which happens a lot lol.
Oh! Momma said I could get a dragon! I don't have a name for them yet tho so that's fun.

Maybe I should add sewer slide thoughts and sh to my list of things I gotta work on.
If so and I start from the beginning of this week then it would probably look like

SH: 3 times
SST: 2 times a day <3

Fun. Please kill me

Oh! Momma said we can go skating this weekend so that'll be fun! And my skates will be here before then! Oof I gtg bye!

It's a Monday which means I get off work early. I work at a flower shop and love seeing the couples come in but after yesterday, I wasn't in the mood. I turn on my phone and immediately regret it. Ash was talking about floor sex, again.

Didn't we tell you to stop doing it on the bathroom floor?

Smut provider:
Yep! And I did not listen!

Cat Boy:

I mean, it could be worse.

Smut provider:

You guys are so stupid. Hey, we still on for the picnic today?

Bunny boi:

Cat boy:
Can't :( my boyfriend is home today so we're gonna spend the day together. Sorry:(

Smut provider:
Yea! Me and Vic will be there!

Please don't be late because y'all are fucking, okay? It's important today.

Smut provider:
No promises

I'll be there! And Ash, please control yourself

I pull up to the duck pond and make my way to the picnic table. I was texting Cilan when a voice spoke up behind me.

"Hey Avery," I jumped before realizing who was speaking to me.

"Damnit Hailey! You scared the shit out of me!" Hailey just laughs at me as she slides onto the bench next to me.

"How do you think Benji is doing?"

"Honestly? Not too good. He should be better today but still."


Benji was there when Noah died, holding his hand. Benji never recovered, which is understandable. Being there, holding your lover's hand as they slowly pass away after taking their life. After that Benji stopped talking to us as much. We let it go on for a year before we did something about it. So every February 12th we drag Benji out of bed and force him to hang out with us. It's our way of making sure he's okay after everything.

I hear footsteps behind me and when I turn around I see Ash, Victor and Benji walking up.

"Hey guys!" Hailey greets. They wave at her and I get us and drag Benji to sit next to me while Ash and Vic sit across from us.

"Okay! Benji, what did you do yesterday?"

"I visited Noah and told him about this past year. After that I went out to get sushi and then went back home to clean my room." He doesn't look at us when he talks, opting to lay his head down instead.

"What did you tell him?"

"Just stuff about Ash and Vic. Told him how Hailey is officially a children's nurse now and how much a success your shop has been."
I nod and tell him that I'm proud of him.


"Nothing interesting. Just normal work stuff. After work, my girlfriend surprised me with dinner. It was homemade and everything! And nothing was burnt this time!" Hailey laughs.

Ash opens his mouth to explain his day but I interrupt him.

"You told us this morning. Please, I don't wanna hear it again." Benji laughs.

"Anyway, skipping over Ash, this dude came in yesterday asking for the perfect flowers to propose with. He was going to propose to his boyfriend! He was so flustered! He looked adorable! He wanted to include his favorite flower, which is a crocus by the way. I chose the winter jasmines, crocus and cyclamens! As I was looking for the flowers he told me about his boyfriend and it was so romantic! Based on what I was told I chose the white cyclamens, purple jasmines and yellow and purple crocuses!" I explained, showing them the arrangement.

Benji was looking off into the distance. He never got to propose to Noah. He was waiting for Valentine's day.

"Do you want to get some flowers for Noah?" I ask him softly. He nods and stands up. We clean up our mess and say goodbye to the others.

"What were you thinking of getting for him?" I ask him as we walk into the shop.

"Sunflowers, daisies and stargazer lilies. Yellow sunflowers and daisies, white stargazer lilies though." He said smiling. "Can we stop by a jewelry store after this?"

I smile. "Of course." I hand him the flowers and we make our way to the jewelry store.

When we walk he walks straight to the ring he wants. It's Rapunzel themed. Noah's favorite movie.

"It's beautiful. Noah would've loved it." Benji smiles sadly.

Benji sets the flowers down and places the ring next to them.

"Hey Sunshine. I know I saw you yesterday but I have something important to do. I was wondering if you wanted to marry me." He laughs wetly. "I promise to love you for as long as I live and even beyond that. I promise I'll see you again in our next life, okay sweetheart? Wait for me, okay. I love you. With this ring I promise to never forget you. I promise to keep your memory alive. I miss you so much, but I'll see you again. I promise. Goodbye my love." Benji stands up, tears streaming down his face. I open my arms and hold him as he cries.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Noah would've loved it. He loved you. I know he's waiting for you." I whisper.

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