Chapter 8: April 20th

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December 5th

He likes me! Me! Holy shit someone likes me! Holy fuck i have a boyfriend!!!! omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg

i feel like im dreaming but im not! im a little slow and he confessed first but idc! after he confessed i stopped coughing up spider lilies. im still coughing white roses tho. and its only been a week since he asked me out so my happiness isnt fully restored but thats okay! itll get better.

im still dying though. and it still hurts. but itll be fine! ill be fine! right? i mean if i get the surgery will i remember Valentine? what about Benji? will i forget my boyfriend? i think they were attached so what if getting rid of the roses gets rid of the memories of both of them? idk if i can handle that. ill have to figure that out later.

The After Effects Of White Roses and Spider Lilies Where stories live. Discover now