Chapter 12: April 22nd

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Monday, April 22nd

Autumn came over yesterday, crying. She didn't fully explain why, just saying to read the journal. She said it belonged to Noah. I've been avoiding the book. I already know what happened to him. He downed pills, started coughing up blood, started sobbing and screaming how he didn't want to go. I don't want to see his thought process through it all. I don't want to see him give up, but Avery said it was important. She said that I had to read it. I don't want to read it. I'm not going to read it. I call Avery.

"Hello?" She sounded sick.

"Take it back."

"Take what back?" I can hear rustling on the other side

"The journal. I don't want it."

"No. Ben, it's 2 am in the morning. I'm not taking back the journal, go to bed or stay up reading, either way you're reading that damn journal. I promised him I would get you to read it."

"You made a promise to a ghost who can't do anything to you if you fail."

"Harsh words for someone crying over the ghost." She sighs deeply. "I'm sorry Ben. It's late, I'm tired and you woke me up. Go to bed and read the journal tomorrow." She hangs up. I throw my phone across the room. Fuck you Avery. I don't want to read the damn journal.

The next morning I wake up to someone knocking on my door. It's Cilan. I invited him inside.

"Yes Ci?"

"I want to propose to Avery." He's fidgeting.


"Yes. I want you to record it." He nods.

"Why today?"

"So we can get married during pride month." I laugh at him.

"I actually think Hailey is getting married during that month." I say making a cup of tea.

"I, um called her already. She said we can split a wedding or we could just do it the same month and do it a week or two apart. It depends on Avery. Ashley said it was okay." I hand him the cup of tea and make myself another one.

"How do you plan on doing it?" His face turns red.

"It's stupid." I roll my eyes at him.

"You're stupid and we all still love you."

"Thanks so much." He says sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" I chirp. He glares at me.

"Just, get dressed. We're gonna head over in about an hour so Avery and I can talk about wedding plans quicker."

"As long as this talk doesn't lead to a niece or nephew in my future then sure!" Cilan rolls his eyes.

"Can't make promises I don't plan on keeping."

My nose scrunches. "Gross, too many details dude." He rolls his eyes.

"You were friends with Ash, this, this is mild." I sigh. "That's fair." I get dressed and hop into Cilan's dress.

I look in the back seat of the truck. I give Cilan a look. "Really? A Promposal?"

"Yes, a promposal. I thought it was a bit cute."

"It looks cute. All glittered and everything."

"Wait 'til you see the wedding one. Not as glittered but would make them just as happy."

"I think she'll be happy however you ask them."

"She will but I wanna make it more memorable."

We pull up at Avery's house and I jump out of the truck. Well more like slip. Cilan is dying of laughter.

"See if I ever do your eyeliner again." I say glaring at him.

He rolls his eyes. "Yea, yea." He jumps out the truck, gracefully and not falling, that whore.

I grab my phone and start recording. He rang the doorbell. It took a second but Avery walked out in pajamas.

I couldn't help but call out. "Really Ave! It's noon."

"Shut up." Avery looks at Cilan, finally. Cilan was holding a sign that said 'Hey Angel, I know I'm not 1Direction but it would be Perfect if You & I made some History at Prom together.'

"But, but we already went to prom together?" Avery asked.

"Oh sorry, wrong one. That was for my other girlfriend." Avery rolls her eyes as Cilan drops the board.

The board behind it read 'Darling, you're the one I want in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams you're the one I want'

Avery looks confused. "What?" I roll my eyes.

"He wants to marry you." I say loudly.

Cilan gets down on one knee. "He's right. Will you marry me with a paper ring?"

"Sure." Avery shrugs, there are tears rolling down her face though.


"I'm just pulling your leg, of course I'll marry you." Avery says, throwing herself at Cilan.

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