( preparations ) - 36

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- Y/n's Pov -

School has returned back to normal, life has returned back to normal. It's Wednesday and everything's super awkward with Louis. We sit together in almost every class, so it's hard to keep him out of sight. Of course, his fluffy brown hair and perfect face doesn't help the fact that I'm trying to avoid him.

I go to my locker to put books away at the end of the day, and of course, Louis was standing right next to me, waiting for me to shut my locker door. Of course, I flinch by the sight of him

"Louis go away" I sigh as I start walking away

I hear him following behind me, catching up and walking beside me

"y/n can you just wait a second please?"

I pause and turn to look at him. I give him a look that said 'fine' and let him speak. He handed me a gift bag with flowers sticking out.

"what's this?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows

"it's uhm, a gift to.. say sorry?" Louis stutters

I take the gift and roll my eyes, quickly thanking him before abruptly walking away. The look on his face was somewhat disappointed, and a bit inside of me broke. I take a deep breath and ignore my thoughts. I walk home.


A few hours after school had passed, I lay on my bed eyeing the gift bag. Should I open it?

it would be rude not to, after all, Louis spent time and money on this gift. The least you could do is open it, considering the fact that Louis said this is his 'apology'

does he even know what he's apologizing for?

I hesitantly stand up and pick up the gift, sitting back down on my bed. After a few seconds I dump the contents out of the bag.

A few rose quartz crystals, my favorite brand of chocolate, a ring that I really wanted to get, and a bouquet of roses.

A sense of guilt flushed over me, and I think back to Louis. He must've really put thought into this gift, considering these are most of my favorite items. He even got me a ring that I've been wanting, how did he know I wanted it?

I pick up the roses and bring them to my nose, smelling the sweet and fresh scent. My cheeks burn up at the thought of Louis buying me flowers.

does he really care for me this much?

My face softens and I pick up the chocolates. A big pack of Ferrero Rocher glistens in the light, it's gold foil reflecting my room. I lightly smile to myself as I pick up the ring. It's a simple, yet elegant golden ring that fit perfectly on my finger.

My heart warms up and my face completely blushes.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the notification. Ella texted me.







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