Chapter 6

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I tiredly rub my eyes before I sit up and feel something hit my lap. I look down and see Eve peacefully sleeping and I quietly sigh.

"Well I'm feeling better thanks to her." I think to myself before I close my eyes, "I can still remember that day I told her, at least she got a few good laughs from it."

Two years ago

"Why do you keep doing this?" Eve asks sitting next to me on my couch, "You're a freshman giving yourself a reputation since you started here and it's halfway through the year now. If you like fighting so much then join one of the clubs."

"If I told you why you still wouldn't understand." I say taking the bag of ice she has with her, "You'd be like the rest of them."

"It can't be that bad." She says and I sigh, "It can stay between us."

"Fine." I say putting the bag of ice to my side, "I fight because I'm trying to prove a point not to mess with me since I'm a powerless."

She looks at me shocked and speechless causing me to just sigh as I grab the bag of ice.

"Knew you'd do this." I say before she hits me, "What the fuck?!"

"You idiot, you could've told me sooner." She says before laughing, "I don't care that you're powerless, knucklehead."

"Really?" I ask and she hits me again, "Ok, ok, geez."

"We've been friends for four months now, do you seriously have to ask that?" She returns and I nod, "You really are denser than you look."

"Enough beating me while I'm down." I say and she giggles, "Mind helping me again?"

"Like always, darling." She says before we both stand up.

Present time

I brush a strand of hair off her face before I get off the bed, she groans as I grab some underwear.

"You know you didn't have to sleep with me." I say before closing the drawer, "I'm 22, y'know."

I turn around and see she has a look of surprise before it changes to one of sadness.

"It's the scars, ain't it?" I ask her and she nods, "I got them a few months before our chance reunion."

"What happened and who did it?" Eve asks slowly sitting up.

"That's a fun story." I say before sitting down on the edge of the bed, "I'll start from the beginning..."

One year and six months ago

I'm hung up on a meat hook shirtless by my banded wrists before a metal door slides open and light shines into the room.

"You're lower than filth, L/N." A cultist says before dragging a red hot fire poker across my back, "And you deserve every bit of this torture and even slower death."

I resist the urge to scream from the pain before the cultist decides to dig the fire poker further into my back and then the group of cultists around us laughs, "Powerless like you deserve nothing but a slow and painful death."

Sweat drops from my face as I feel the fire poker go back across my back one last time before I'm violently spun around.

"Got nothing to say or has the sudden pain fried your brain?" A female cultist asks before slapping me and walking away, "At least your sister gave us an insult or two before we finished her off."

"W...What...?" I ask after struggling to ask it.

"She was a feisty one I'll give her that. Seems like you were all talk." A male cultist says approaching me, "At least the little bitch tried to escape and actually almost did before-"

"You insult her again and I'll fucking kill you!" I yell interrupting him.

"There's that fiery spirit." He says before removing his mask and smiling, "Makes this more fun."

"They had me like that for two weeks before one day I broke those bindings and unleashed hell." I say before going to that exact memory.

"W-Wait! H-Have a hint of-" The man who insulted my sister was saying before I snap his neck.

"Compassion?" I sarcastically ask as I walk over his corpse, "You can shove it up your-"

A loud bang and stinging pain in my left shoulder make me stop talking before I turn around.

"Makes finding a weapon easier." I mumble to myself before walking back over the corpse's body towards the guy who just shot me.

Present time

"Yeah... I burned it all to the ground after I dealt with that guy but one escaped that night." I say before looking out my window at the raindrops starting to fall, "The leader escaped but she didn't escape unscathed."

"Y/N, that's not good." Eve says and I laugh, "You seem confident about something."

"She has connections to the underworld, I know it's gotten around that I'm "dead." So there's nothing to worry about, Eve." I say looking back at her, "Now if you'll excuse me, I smell like death itself."

"I won't hold you back any longer." She says and I nod before walking towards the bathroom in the room.

Ahri's POV

"Looks like he's getting his second test as a bodyguard already." I say before tossing invitations on the countertop, "Jayce just invited us to his annual party tomorrow night."

"Do we seriously have to go?" Akali groans from the couch, "Because I'd rather stab myself in the gut and slowly bleed out because they're basically the same thing."

"It's not that bad, Kali." I say crossing my arms under my chest, "Maybe this time you'll find yourself a boyfriend."

"Is it fine if Damien rides with us?" Kai'sa asks walking into the kitchen, "He said he was feeling a lot better after yesterday."

"I'm glad someone finally put his ass in its place." Akali says and Kai'sa rolls her eyes before Akali loudly sighs, "I'll just suffer and go."

"Where's Eve at anyways?" I ask and Kai'sa shrugs her shoulders, "Do you know, Kali?"

"Nope." Akali says before I hear the volume on the tv turn up, "Now let me listen to my music in peace."

I roll my eyes before I start walking to Y/N's bedroom. I stop when I hear Eve's voice and it sounds like she's alone.

"How do I tell him?" Eve quietly asks herself and I raise an eyebrow.

"Tell him what?" I think to myself before I hear her sigh.

"That night I found him... how would he react if-" She stops herself before I hear another door open and then her feet hitting the floor, "You done now?"

"Take however long you want, I'm going to get me some breakfast." Y/N says before his footsteps start walking my way.

I quickly and quietly run away from the door and to the bathroom in the hallway and close the door just before his opens.

"Too close." I think to myself as I turn on the sink to act like I'm using the bathroom, "Way too close but what was Eve talking about?"

Releasing the chapter a tad late but waking up at 2 and now trying to sleep since I'm tired again is going to be fun.

Anyways enough about me, how are y'all liking the story so far? With this one I'm really trying my best not to lose the plot so to help with that I'm going back into some previous chapters, glimpsing through them, making notes and then writing off that like I should've been doing since the start, seriously almost put another name entirely instead Damien in the chapter I'm working on like an idiot.

How do y'all think things are going to shake out? What secret is Eve hiding from everyone? Will they all make it to the party or will another fight break out between Y/N and Damien?

Have fun posting y'all's theories because I can't wait to see them but I've rambled enough and I'm going to try to get some sleep, see y'all in the next one.

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