Chapter 41

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"How did that not work?!" I yell running away from the now enraged Ahri, "I thought you said that it'd work!"

"I guess her skull has gotten thicker!" Akali yells back to me while she dodges Ahri, "Where's Kai'sa when you need her?!"

Oh, hey, looks like we're back in a bit of situation again. Thankfully time paused again because, well, lustful Ahri is frozen in the air just above me... this is going to be rough after I catch you back up to speed.

Two hours prior

Seraphine's POV

My phone dings so I flip it over and see a text from Akali, "They're coming back here because they've got a plan, are they crazy?"

"Is it Y/N?" Tryndamere asks and I shake my head, "The other woman?"

"Yeah it's from Akali." I say and he walks back into the kitchen, "Can you get a frying pan while you're in there, that's one thing she asked for."

"Odd to ask for that but sure." He says from the kitchen before I hear something clang, "How far away are they?"

"She said they aren't too far away." I say and see him walk in with a cast iron skillet, "I still don't know why she wants that."

"The more I thought about it I realized they probably need it to cook since, y'know, they left in such a rush." He says and I nod in agreement before we hear the front door opening.


"I hope this plan works," I whisper opening the door, "because I've got a bad feeling about this."

"It'll work." Akali confidently says with a smirk, "I've personally seen it work."

"If you say so." I say before bumping into someone, "Hello there, Cherry Blossom."

"General L/N, I've got that frying pan Akali asked for." Sera says and then giggles before I pat her head, "H-Hey!"

"It's just head pats, nothing more." I say taking the frying pan, "We'll be back, see you two in a few."

"Are you sure you don't need the back up?" Tryndamere asks after poking his head around the corner, "I've heard how strong vastayas can get in their heat."

"Thanks for the offer but we've got this covered." Akali says grabbing the pan from me and decides to strike a pose, "Nothing can stop the power of team Akali and Y/N!"

Present time

Oh, we're caught up? Damn, that was shorter than last time, well I did skip the multiple ideas we went through and the set up because I didn't want to bore you to death... and speaking of death, this is going to hurt like a motherfu-

"You're mine!" Ahri shouts as she digs her nails into my shoulders after landing on me, "All mine!"

Just as soon as she landed on me she's launched off of me by about a good thirty or forty feet, "Woo! Ain't no one stopping the pain train tonight, baby! Get some cold cuts, get some cold cuts, get some cold cuts, woo!"

"Where'd you come from?" I ask Tryndamere as I stand up and ignore the stinging pain all over my body, "And how did you find us exactly?"

"I followed you two since you left the cabin." He blankly says before we both dodge a lunge from Ahri, "A bit obsessed with you, isn't she?"

"You don't know the half of it, Pain Train." I say before I hear the thunk of a frying pan behind me, "Seems like our problem is taken care of. Thanks Kali."

"And... stay... down... furry." Akali says out of breath before falling down herself.

"So... we going back to Piltover?" I ask and Akali nods looking up at me, "Can't wait to get back and deal with whatever is going on."

"It won't be that simple, Y/N," Akali says getting back up and then picks up Ahri, "your past caught up with you again."

"What?" I ask shocked, "I-I thought those were swept under the rug by-"

"Apparently she missed someone." She says throwing Ahri over her shoulder and then starts walking, "You coming with?"

"Might as well face the fire if I'm going to face this fire." I say shrugging my shoulders and following her.

???'s POV

"Is everything ready?" I ask looking up from the map.

"Aye aye, cap'n." The crew member says and I smirk.

"Then what're we waiting for? Hoist the sails!" I yell and the crew cheers before we're on our way, "Hate doing this to you, old friend, but a gal's got to eat."

Ashe's POV

"He what?!" I yell and Y/N's father calmly sets down his cup.

"Let's not lose our minds, Ashe, I have a new plan." He says slowly standing up and looking out the window at the night sky.

"You always have a plan, Ares." I say and he slowly turns around before letting out a chuckle.

"God of war... that's a name I haven't heard in a while." He says before deeply exhaling, "Now come closer to me, Ashe, I'm about to tell you the plan now that we know their next move."

Y/N's POV two hours later in K/DA's private jet

"I can't wait to get home." Sera says with a mixture of excitement and exhaustion while I sit down setting the axe beside me.

"Looks like we'll be working together, Y/N." Tryndamere says with a hint of sadness, "I... I just didn't ever want it to be under-"

"Let's not talk about that." I say forcing a smile, "But I know the first thing I'm doing when we get back."

"Oh yeah?" Sera curiously asks, "What's that?"

"Visiting Eve, I'm holding out hope that she's awake." I say showing my genuine smile, "It feels like months since we've left."

"It's only been about a week or two at most." Sera says and I nod before closing my eyes, "Getting some sleep?"

"Yep." I say before falling asleep.

Akali's POV

I need to tell him that she doesn't remember him but I don't need him jumping out of the plane and-

"Hey, Akali." Ahri says snapping me out of my thoughts, "You there?"

"Yeah." I say looking at my cup on the table, "Something up?"

"Something up with you?" She asks and I look at her confused, "You seem distant, Li."

"I'm just thinking." I say and she gives me a doubtful look, "What?"

"Talk to me, Akali, what's got you thinking?" She asks and I sigh, "It can't be that bad."

"We need to tell him, Ahri." I say and the small smile she had disappears, "It's not right that he doesn't-"

"Akali," She says and I hum, "I've personally seen how far down into depression he gets... we'll tell him when we get a chance."

"I'm taking your word for it, Ri." I say before going back into my thoughts, "So he really did know her, never doubt him again."

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