Chapter 86

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"In the red corner, bloody and bruised but somehow still standing, standing at six feet even and hailing from the rugged and blizzard torn terrain of the Freljord-"

Yeah that's me, no need to know the stage name since it wasn't that creative in the first place.

Third POV

"The betting odds weren't that good for Leopard tonight." The first commentator says as the Y/N and his opponent meet in the middle of the ring.

"What kind of name is Leopard in the first place?" The second commentator says, "He could've came up with something better and more threatening like "Dragon of the East" or something like it."

"Let's not name shame, Joey," The first commentator says, "Renegade isn't a much better one either."

"Touché, Bob." Joey says before the Bob and him look back at the ring.


I take a deep breath before the bell rings. No rounds, no time limit, just straight slugging until one can't stand anymore. One hit, one hit is all I need.

"I'm going to pulverize you." Leopard says, seriously what kind of name is that?

Right after I dodge one of his hooks I feel a familiar presence and that gives him the opportunity he needed to land one on me.

"I told you, Renegade." He says smirking.

And now it's time to get serious.

Akali's POV six minutes later

After listening to the feed in one ear and watching this go on his physique and style are both similar to to his and his hair color too but he never looked like a mountain man.

"How is he still alive?!" One of the commentators yells after a big splash of blood lands at their feet.

And that blood would be Renegade's blood, seriously it's a lame name.

Both of them are basically tenderizing each other at this point and it feels like they've been going at it for hours. I'm sure everyone is just as surprised as me at how they're both still going.

"Down goes Leopard, down goes Leopard!" The other commentator yells jumping up from his seat, "The bloodbath is finally over."

At least it's finally over and I've got the VIP pass, I know I got ripped off on the price but I can make that money back in a snap.


"Real reckless out there." Colt says before saying some incantations for my wounds, both visible and skin deep.

"I only lost maybe five percent of my blood," I say nonchalantly laying on the table, "not like anyone here cares anyway, all they see is cheap entertainment."

"This was your first gauntlet, right?" He asks and I nod, "You guys aren't gladiators fighting for your lives like the guys in Bilgewater... or so I've heard."

"At least we're compensated I guess." I say with my eyes closed and then feel some cold steel pressing down on my face, "Chilly."

A knock comes from the door before Colt can respond and then the guard sticks his head in, "There's fans here to see him."

"They'll have to wait, you see the state he's in." Colt says motioning at me.

"Too bad, doc," He says letting one fan in, "they paid for this privilege."

The door remains open as I sign a piece of paper for the kid and then he leaves. Follow that exchange with about four more people and I'm down to the last one.

"Make it quick like the others, princess." I hear the guard say before the woman walks in.

I see the woman and she mumbles something about the guard under her breath before our eyes meet and then she has a look of disbelief, I don't like where this is going.

"What's your actual name?" The woman asks.

Oh... shit.

"William Normandy." I say hearing a silent sigh of relief from Colt, "Good save, Y/N, good save."

"You look eerily like Y/N L/N." She says and I feel a bead of sweat on my forehead.

"Who?" I ask playing dumb.

"You wouldn't know him then, he's been dead for a few months now," She says with a slight tone of regret, "I've got to go now."

"Oh." I say and she starts walking away, "She... she looked familiar."

The image of the poster comes back to me and she was on it but it just isn't the poster since everything about her just... I don't know, is this amnesia or have I just taken too many hits to my head?

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