Chapter 14

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"Y/N, pleasure seeing you again." Jinx says to me with a smile before noticing Ekko, "Ekko."

"Jinx." Ekko says everyone else looks at each other.

"I'm sensing some kind of tension between you two but I'm not sure which kind." Akali says before walking away, "Let's find a table while you two figure whatever this is out."

Akali walks away and I follow behind her since I don't want to get in between whatever those two have going on.

"Lovers quarrels, had my share of them." Akali says before sighing, "Didn't want to say it in front of the others."

"Exactly how many exes do you have?" I ask causing her to stop.

"That's private information." She coldly says before walking again.

"Note to self, don't ask the others about exes." I think to myself before someone pats my shoulder snapping me back to reality.

"You ok, Y/N?" Qiyana asks with some concern in her tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say before I walk away from her and to the table Akali's at.

"Hey, there's a karaoke machine here." Senna says pointing out the stage with said machine, "Any takers?"

"Not tonight." Qiyana says sitting across from me.

"You don't want to hear my voice." Yasuo says sitting next to me.

"I'll do it later." Akali says before looking at the menu.

"Guess I'll do it." I say standing up and walking towards the stage.

After I get to the machine I scroll through the songs before picking Paralyzed by NF.

I take a deep breath as the instrumentals start, "You got this, Y/N."

Third POV

"When did I become so numb?
When did I lose myself?
All the words that leave my tongue
Feel like they came from someone else," Y/N starts to sing gaining the attention of Akali and Qiyana, "I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me
I'm paralyzed."

Jinx and Ekko look towards him while Joseph walks to the table.

"He can actually sing." Both Jinx and Ekko mumble in unison.

"When did I become so cold?
When did I become ashamed? (Oh)
Where's the person that I know?
They must have left
They must have left
With all my faith." Y/N continues as Qiyana leans on one of her arms and Akali starts recording him.

Yasuo and Senna look at each other in surprise as Y/N continues.

Qiyana watches on in awe as Y/N puts all of his emotions into the song as if he wrote it himself, "I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me, inside."

After the final two choruses, Y/N puts the microphone back on the hook of the machine as the bar erupts into applause.

Y/N walks back to the table as Joseph brings their drinks.


I sit down on the chair I was at earlier as everyone at the table just looks at me, "What?"

"Some talent you got there." Senna says and Yasuo nods.

Akali and Qiyana stay silent and I look at Ekko, "Did you two settle your problems?"

"Yeah." He says before Joseph brings a pizza.

"It's on the house." Joseph says before walking away.

"Really must've worked your charm on her, Little Man." I say joking with him before he laughs.

"Who told you my nickname, Y/N?" Ekko jokingly asks.

"Lucky guess." I say before grabbing a slice, "But going off y'all's reactions y'all must've really enjoyed the show."

"Like Senna said, you've got some talent." Yasuo says before he stands up, "I'll be back."

"That redhead got you're attention didn't she?" Ekko jokingly asks Yasuo and Yasuo flips Ekko off while Ekko just laughs.

"Speaking of getting someone's attention," Senna says before nudging Qiyana, "Don't you have something to say?"

"I-I've got to g-go." Qiyana stutters before quickly grabbing her things and leaving.

"Sheesh, couldn't be more discreet about it." Ekko says before we look at Akali, "Maybe we should just let her keep daydreaming."

"Yeah." I say before we hear a loud thud.

"Looks like he struck out... again." Senna says causing Ekko to laugh, "Looks like we've got to leave too since he's going to need to retrieve his wounded pride... or what's left of it."

"See y'all later I guess." I say as they get up and walk away, "Probably going to regret doing this but here goes nothing."

I put my hand on Akali's shoulder and that seems to bring her out of whatever daydream she was having, "When'd you get back here and where'd they go?"

"Qiyana left in a hurry and the others had to take Yasuo home." I say and she smirks, "You already know what happened, don't you?"

"Yasuo struck out." She says and I nod causing her to burst out laughing, "Well since they're gone I guess we should leave ourselves."

"If you want." I say as we both stand up and I reach into my pocket for my keys.

"Hey, Rev-Y/N, don't forget my offer." Jinx says as Akali and me leave.

The walk to the car was silent after Jinx said that. I would've preferred that she not mention it but she doesn't know Akali is my boss so I can't really blame her.

"What was she talking about?" Akali asks when we get to my Corvette.

"The night I disappeared I came here to unwind and she thought I was unemployed after seeing my appearance so she offered me a job." I say as we get into my car and I start it, "I was contemplating taking her up on it before y'all confirmed I still had this job."

"At least you've got loyalty." She mumbles and I don't say a word, "Three."

"What?" I ask confused by the sudden number.

"The amount of exes I have, three." She says as I keep my main focus on the road, "All three bastards cheated on me."

"Oh." I say stunned by the revelation.

The rest of the car ride was just silence besides the radio playing music and advertisements.

Kai'sa's POV one hour prior

Ahri comes walking down the stairs with a shirt in her hand that I've never seen before, "Ri, where'd you get that shirt?"

"I've had it for two months." Ahri says in an almost defensive tone, "Have you not seen me wearing it before?"

"No because it doesn't look like something you'd wear." I say before she huffs and walks away, "Who's shirt is it because it doesn't look like something Eve has, maybe it's Akali's and she's borrowing it."

??? POV

"I gave you his name and a picture of him, why isn't the son of a bitch dead yet?!" The client yells at me, "If he isn't dead by-"

"These things take time. Sure you gave me that stuff but you can't rush this process." I say before hanging up, "Entitled brat."

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