Chapter 62

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"Reports of multiple incidents of disturbing the peace on Innovator Boulevard and University Drive." The dispatcher calls out over the radio, "Individuals are reportedly highly dangerous."

"Sounds like it could be him." Caitlyn says before she sharply turns the car, "Tell them we're en route."

"On it."


"I... think they're...  down and out." I say before collapsing to the ground exhausted, "Thanks again... guys."

"Yeah... don't mention... it." Ekko says falling down next to me.

"So what now?" Yasuo says sitting next to Ekko.

"We relax a little before Xayah comes after us next." Rakan says sitting next to me.

"Oh yeah... forgot about that." I say while sitting up, "How much time do we have?"

"None." Xayah says suddenly appearing and then Rakan, Yasuo and me jump and sprint out the house.

"Guys don't leave me!" Ekko yells at us as I look back and see him get yanked back inside, "Please! Have mercy!"

I stop, turn around and just about went back for him before someone grabs my arm, "Don't let his sacrifice be in vain."

I sigh and start running again with Yasuo, "You've always got to come back sometime!"

After a few more minutes we all stop running and catch our breaths, "Got a spare room I can borrow for a few days, Yasuo?"

"It seems like Ekko's room is going to be available for a while." Yasuo says leaning against a building, "Especially since your girlfriend's mercilessly beating him right now."

"Guess I'm going to be paying for all new furniture, walls and a door." Rakan says and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I brought them with me so I'll pay for it all." I say and he looks at me, "Just tell me whenever and I'll send the money."

"You don't have to, Y/N." Rakan says and I smile, "You're still going to, aren't you?"

I nod before something flies towards us and hits Rakan so hard it sends him through the wall behind Yasuo, "And he's outta here!"

Third POV

Our new setting is a smoky lounge room inside of a club where a half-vastayan male sits on a throne-like seat looking at a letter in one hand and holding a cigar in the other, "I warned him but he clearly didn't listen."

"What else does the letter say?" A man asks the half-vastayan man.

"That if he ever dies to put out a bounty on his killer's head." The half-vastayan says before crumbling up and tossing the paper aside.

"And are you going to, Sett?" The man asks Sett while he starts chuckling, "Did I say something funny?"

"Yes you did." Sett says putting down his dying cigar, "But to answer your question, no."


"I have no reason to do so and also because I'm on good terms with Revenant." Sett says before standing up and stretching, "Anyways, Damien was an idiot and I'm not trying to get on Revenant's bad side."


Yasuo walked back home and since where we split wasn't too far away from the penthouse I walked there not long before I heard sirens show up there, the receptionist and security almost didn't recognize who I was since my clothes are slightly tattered now after that fight with those doppelgängers or whatever they are.

"You look like a train ran you over." Akali says after opening the front door, "Seriously, you look like hammered shit."

"I got it the first time." I say walking past her, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a shower and then pass out."

"Knock yourself out." She says while following me, "We've taken care of our friends."

"Oh the doppelgänger?" I ask and I hear her hum behind me, "Where are they?"


"Y/N..." I hear Ahri say and I stop in my tracks causing Akali to bump into me.

I turn and look at her to see that same expression from when we met in that cafe before we both disappeared from each other's lives, "I'm fine, Ahri."

Her ears droop down as she slowly walks over to me before she stops in front and then wraps her arms around me hugging me tightly.

I stand there quietly for a second before returning her embrace, "This prove I'm fine?"

She nods her head and breaks the hug before disappearing, "I'm not even going to question what just happened."

"It's best you don't." I say and start walking again before showing a smile, "See you in the morning."

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