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Heard a knock on my door. I look at the clock it's 7 AM. Who the hell is at this hour. I open the door to see Megumi staying there.

,,Oh goodmornin' Megumi. What are you doing here at this hour?"

,,Gojo just texted me that in one hour we will go in a mission so in 40 minutes be in front of the school."

,,Sure. Thanks for informing me." I gave a big smile

,,Yeah..." Megumi was walking to his dorm.

It's 7.40 AM and we are waiting for Nobara.

,,Why do girls take so long to get dressed ..." I yawned

,,Look she is coming" said Megumi with a angry face.

,,So my favourite students, this is our first mission all together.. (even tho I could've without any help). We need to ,,steal" a cursed object."

,,Why steal?" Asked the girl

,,Because there are cursed protecting it soo..." said Gojo sensei

,,Then let's go finish this faster." Said I taking some steps in front.

,,Don't rush. We will go in two teams. This time Nobara will come with me. Itadori and Megumi you will go together"

,,Why should I go with Megumi?"

,,Dumb, words hurt" i felt Megumi punch me lightly in the head.

,,I just want to be with Gojo sensei. Why Nobara,"

,,Itadori you are next.." said Gojo pointing at me

,,Yayyy" I jumped happy

,,Me and Nobara will explore the first and second floor. You and Megumi will go to the underground rooms. ARE YOU READY?"

,,YEAH" me and Nobara jumped happy.

,,Let's just finish this fast." Megumi said with his cool voice.

Oh yeah. Megumi's voice it's always calm and comfortable. It's making him cool and like he doesn't care. This is kinda....kinda...cute. . . .  NO!NO!NO! It's making him mature and that's all... I'd want to hear him more... NO!!!!!!!! STOP, THIS IS GOING TOO FAR!!

,,Oi!!" I was snapped out of my mind by the same voice I was thinking about. ,,Did you hear what Gojo said?" I blushed


,,So good luck to all of us. Itadori do your best!" a big smile appeared on Gojo's face.

,,Will do"

We got in front of a small building. It seemed small and thought it will be fast but when I entered the house it was bigger.


,,The door we entered it directed us to other building. So. Here me and Nobara go up and you, Megumi and Itadori, you go down. Just come back"

We started to go down the stairs and asked ,, So what are we looking for"

,,You really didn't hear what Gojo said. We are searching for cureses who could be the one holding the finger of Sukuna"

,,Hey....does it seem to me or we are walking downstairs for too long"

,,Somthing is off." said Megumi ,, Hey you go up I go down"

I ran to the direction Megumi pointed and in some seconds Megumi was in front of me. He was very close. I blushed.

,,Fuck! We are alredy caught in a tehnique"

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