06 | Green Suits You

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Thankfully even tho we had uniforms we were allowed to put a hoodie on over it in case we got cold. Though anyone rarely ever did it because it looked terribly ugly. Well, this was just one of those days that I had to dress ugly.

I tie my hair into a ponytail and pull the hood of my hoodie over my head. This should cover the disgusting green hair that lurks beneath. Part of the dye had washed off so thankfully it was permanent but a good amount was still in my hair.

When I go downstairs for breakfast Preston even makes a comment about the sweats not matching. What was I supposed to do? Everything else was in the wash.

My parents believed it was the shampoo's fault and I almost had to convince my father not to sue the company.

Thankfully I make it to first period on time. I watch the door intently waiting for Cal to walk in so I can cuss his ass out. He makes it in right before the bell rings and sits down next to me without even glancing my way. I glare at him and open my mouth to speak when Ms. Thomas beats me to it.

She starts blabbering about some assignment and I shut my mouth as quickly as I opened it. It wouldn't be smart to talk while she was. I did not have a death sentence.

Amid her talking, Cal leans his side toward me and whispers, "don't u think it's too hot in here to be wearing a hoodie?"

I scowl at the smug smile he's trying to suppress. "I'm gonna get you back for this."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Fine." I shrug. "Play dumb but you'll get what's coming to you."

"Oh no, I'm so scared." He says, the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I glare at him and he returns my look with a sly smile.

"Fuck off."

We both divert our attention when Ms. Thomas clears her throat and stares straight into our souls.

"What is so important that you two cannot stop talking?" She asks.

Cal is quick to our rescue. "Fawn was just asking me some questions, Ms. Thomas. Sorry for the disturbance it won't happen again."

She considers this and throws a nasty look my way. "It better not. If you have any further questions please ask me or be quiet."

I nod my head and avoid all the stares from my peers.

"Oh and Ms. Oakley, you can't wear your hood inside school. Remove it."

I gape at her. "Seriously? But no one even follows that rule."

"Rules are rules. Remove it."


"I will not ask again."

Reluctantly I pull down my hood revealing my splotchy green hair. I refrain from looking at Cal, I know he's enjoying this. I can feel the stares burn a hole through me. When I look at Ms. Thomas she has an evil smirk on her face and I suppress the urge to slap it off. She moves on with class and I sink lower into my seat.

After class ends, I immediately put the hood back on.

Cal smirks. "Green suits you."

And then he walks away. God, he was annoying.


"Holy shit. Your hair really is fucked up." Mia says as I show her a strand.

"I know! Thankfully it's almost gone." I say just as Preston sits down. "And it's all his fault."

"What did I do now?" He asks.

"Preston decided to become besties with Cal during the dinner," I tell them.

Olive gives Preston a confused look. "Really?"

He shrugs. "He's not that bad. We all know how over dramatic Fawn can be."

"Ok, I am not dramatic."

They all give me a look.

"Fine, maybe just a little but still!"

"He's chill. There's a party this weekend at his friends and he invited me." Preston says casually.

"Is it Heath's party?" Olive asks.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"Oh my god, he's known for throwing the best parties ever. We are so going." She squeals.

"I wasn't even planning on going."

"Well, now you are."

Preston rolls his eyes and continues eating his food.

"Do we need a personal invite or?..." Mia asks.

"No, I don't think so." Olive answers and then her eyes get l dreamy and I already know who she's thinking of. "Hopefully Kendal will be there and notice me."

I snort while Mia rolls her eyes.

"Please shut up about her for two seconds. Nobody cares." Mia says while looking at herself on her phone camera.

"She is the most gorgeous woman to walk this earth so no."

Mia ignores Olive's comment and directs her attention to me. "You know you're coming to the party right?"

"Do I have to?" I groan. I was hoping to stay silent and be left alone from this conversation so I wouldn't have to go.

"Yes." They all say in unison.

"If I'm being forced to go, so are you," Preston says.

I knew there was no point in arguing with them so I just let it be. "Ugh fine."

Mia lights up. "Great! Now, what are you guys thinking of wearing?"

"I have no idea. I hate all my clothes right now." Olive responds.

Preston nods his head, agreeing with Olive.

"I just hope the green will be out of my hair by then." I sigh.

"You need to get him back for that." Mia reminds.

"Yeah but I don't know how."

Olive smiles. "That's why you have us."

The Reasons I Hate YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora