14 | Panties in a Bunch

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When the door opens we're met with a blonde guy with a scruffy beard smoking a cigarette. He looks to be 19, only two years older than me. His gaze rakes over me and then at Cal. I can hear music blasting from inside the house and some people talking.

He takes the cigarette out of his mouth. "You here for Preston?"

I nod too uncomfortable to speak.

"Follow me." He turns around and disappears into the house.

Cal and I follow him. I look around and for the most part, the house looks neat. We pass the living room which is filled with teenage boys lying around drinking and smoking. I feel their eyes on me and I tighten my grip on the bag while moving closer to Cal. As much as I hate him he didn't make me feel the way these men were making me feel right now. Like prey. Like a shiny toy. I'm suddenly grateful Cal didn't make me come in here alone.

I'm less uncomfortable when they're finally all out of sight. What is this place? Was Preston even safe here?

The man leads us upstairs and outside a door. He knocks but opens it by himself right away. The door swings open and he gives us one last look before walking away. From the corner of my eye, I see Cal moving off to the side instead of coming inside but my focus is on my brother.

He stands there looking the same as before except his eye bags look heavier and I can see the pain they've inflicted upon him.

I walk in and pull him into a hug. "I hate you so much."

He laughs, pulling apart. "Missed you too."

"Who's house even is this?" I ask, looking around the room.

He shrugs and sits back on his bed. "A friend of my mine, Danny."

"The scary-looking man who brought me up here?"

"Yeah. He's nice once you get to know him."

"Righttttt." I don't believe that for a second. "Are you sure it's safe living here? The guys downstairs....they don't seem like good people."

His demeanor suddenly shifts. "Did they say something to you?"

"No, I didn't even talk to them. I just...I have a bad feeling about them."

He sighs. "Well, you're right about them." When he sees the alarming look on my face he continues, "but they won't do anything to me. Trust me."

He runs a hand through his hair. "I should've come downstairs to you. Sorry, you had to come up here alone."

"Actually, I had Cal with me."

His eyebrows shoot up. "Cal? Like the guy you hate, Cal?" I roll my eyes and nod. The surprised expression still rests on his face. "Where is he?"

"He's waiting outside I think." I wonder if he could hear us.

I sigh. "You can't stay here forever."

"I know."

I want to ask him when he's coming home but I know better. Silence overtakes us until I tell him I should go. I wish I could take him with me.

He gets up and pulls me into a hug.

"None of what they said about you is true. You know that right?" I tell him quietly.

He pulls away from the hug and nods though I'm sure he doesn't believe me. I know what my parents said cuts deep.

We walk out of the room and see Cal leaning against the wall waiting for me. When he and Preston see each other they pull each other into a weird bro hug thing. Men are so weird.

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