29 | Chemistry

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It's been one week since we've gotten back and I've seen Cal twice besides in class. I wish I didn't have to see him at all. Not until I figure out what's wrong with me or until I figure out how to get rid of these feelings.

I've been acting weird. I know I've been acting weird I just don't know if he's noticed it. It's because of that stupid dream. A sex dream to be specific. With Cal.

I wish I never had it. Ever since it's happened I can't act normal around him. It had felt so real and I'd never admit it out loud but I actually liked it. But that didn't mean anything—nothing at all. Cal was still a jerk—an attractive jerk. But that doesn't matter because it's not like I was attracted to him. Definitely not.

I shake these thoughts out of my head and slam my locker shut.

I flinch when I see Dillon, a boy from my chemistry class, appear as my locker shuts. "Shit! You scared me."

"Sorry." He frowns apologetically. "Fawn right?"

"Yes...?" Dillon has never talked to me before and I have no idea why he would start now.

"I'm Dillon, we have chemistry together." He tells me and I pretend I didn't already know that.

"Cool," I say and there's an awkward moment of silence as he just smiles at me. "Is there anything you need or?"

"Yes, actually there is." His smile grows and there's a glint in his eyes that I don't like. "You know my friend, Brad?"

I didn't know anyone with that name. "No, why?"

Dillon laughs. "Well, he certainly knows you." He waits for it to click and when it doesn't he goes on. "It's a funny story; he went on a date with a girl and she practically ordered the whole fucking menu before running away without paying."

Oh fuck.

He steps closer. "Do you remember him now?"

I play dumb and shake my head. "Nope, not a clue."

His smile starts to fade seemingly annoyed by my bluffing. "You know, it wasn't until he tried to find you that he found your family. I'm sure they wouldn't be too pleased to find out how many guys you're doing this too."

He's right, they wouldn't but I wasn't about to admit it.

"They wouldn't care actually."

"I'm sure they would when it starts to affect their precious reputation. Everyone really loves your sob story. Going from having nothing to having everything. They all pity you." He sneers and my blood boils. "All I have to do is tell my father and he'll cut ties with your pathetic family. The rest will follow once they find out what a slu-"

"-what do you want?" I cut him off not being able to hear anymore.

I wanted to punch him in the face. I didn't even know him. Why all of a sudden is he blackmailing me?

He smiles and I want to slap it off his face. "We have a Chem test tomorrow. I won't be coming so I can take it next week."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You are going to steal the test answers from Mr. Smith."

"Are you serious? You can't have one of your stupid friends do it for you?" I scoff.

"And risk them getting in trouble? I can't believe you would ask me to do such a thing," he says seriously then laughs.

I stare at him with a blank face. I wish I could slap that smile off his stupid face.

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