16 | Did You Shit Yourself?

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I bite back a moan as the food enters my mouth. With my eyes closed, I enjoyed all the flavors in my mouth. God, I love to eat.

"Are you listening?" The man across from me asks and I'm snapped out of my thoughts. 

Can I not just get a moment of peace on these dates?

I nod and swallow my food quickly. "Yes sorry go on."

But he doesn't. He stares at me while seemingly trying to hide his appalled expression. "You sure eat a lot."

I try not to choke when I hear his comment. "Well, we are here to eat." I laugh hiding my irritation. I came for the food, not you asshole.

"Yes, I guess we are it's just...."

"Just?" I shove another piece of food in my mouth.

"I don't know....a lot." He laughs.

Thank god I loved my food too much to throw it at him. It wasn't that he was saying I ate a lot, it was the fact that he said it like a bad thing.

I laugh at him not being able to help myself. It was funny how he was trying to shame me for eating.


He shakes his head. "Never mind. Forget I said anything."

I nod and then he goes on about whatever he was talking about. This time I try to some what pay attention.

When I finish my food I call the waiter over and ask for dessert. I can practically smell his thoughts but it just makes leaving them so much better. Especially since this one had cheated on his fiancé with some random hookup.

He asks me if I want to share the lava cake. I tell him no and get one for myself. He on the other hand just gets mango ice cream. I make sure to show the distaste on my face. I did not like mango ice cream.

He finishes before me and talks my ear off as soon as he's done. When I finish I'm so full and relieved that I never have to see him again.

I smile at him and say we can split the check since I ordered a lot. Then I excuse myself to the restroom. Now for the fun part. Sort of.

As I'm making my way to the restroom to flawlessly escape, someone comes out of the men's bathroom. We stop when we see each other.

Eli. What an unpleasant surprise.

"Fawn," he says, "Hey.


He looks me up and down. "You look nice."

I want to get as far away from him as possible. He never complimented me enough when we were dating and so this made me even more uncomfortable.

I give an awkward smile. "Thanks."

"What are you doing here?" He asks, "Are you on a date?"

Technically yes but also no? I obviously couldn't explain it to him.

"Um yeah."

"Oh." He blinks. "Cool. It's good that you're moving on."

"Yup," I reply dryly.

He stands there for a couple more awkward seconds. "Okay. I'll see you around then. Enjoy ur date."

I say goodbye and enter the bathroom. My chest feels heavy and I feel caught off guard. Eli has that effect on me and not in a good way. Ever since he cheated on me I can't even be within 10 feet away from him without wanting to disappear.

I look at myself in the mirror, close my eyes and take a breath in. He's an asshole who's not part of my life anymore. He doesn't matter and he never did.

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