33 | You're Cute

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Me and Cal didn't talk for the rest of my period and the entire time I was internally dying. Getting mad at Cal? Fine. Fighting with Cal? Also fine. But being awkward with Cal? Now that was something new and I didn't like it at all. Usually, we were always bouncing off each other's energy and talkative. I never realized how much Cal makes me laugh until today.

I dread having to see him again. Which wouldn't be long because I'll see him at lunch and after school for tutoring.

Currently it was lunch time and when I walk over to our table he is unfortunately there.

"Hey! Fawns finally back," Heath exclaims as I sit down across from Cal.

I make it a point not to make eye contact with Cal.

"How's your first day back?" Finn asks me.

I shrug. "It's fine. I'm behind on everything though."

"Especially chemistry I'm assuming?" Zane teases earning a laugh from everyone except Cal.

The boys still don't know I was blackmailed and thought I had just tried to cheat.

I roll my eyes. "Fuck you."

He laughs again.

"It's okay they've gotten suspended over dumber shit," Finn reassures me.

This perks Mia's interest as well. "Oh really? Like what?"

Finn goes on to tell a story about how the four of them got suspended but somewhere along the beginning, I tune them out when someone catches my eye. Dillon.

He walks through the lunchroom with less pride than I last saw him with. It's only when he gets closer that I see the nasty bruises on his face. He has a huge black eye and a scar on his cheek. What the fuck happened to him? Karma definitely worked fast for him.

"Fawn? Are you listening?" Olive nudges me and I immediately look back at everyone.

The first set of eyes I meet is Cals and I have a lingering feeling that he's been watching me.

I look over at the rest of them. "What happened to him?" I nod over to Dillon's direction.

"Who? Dillon?" Finn asks.

I nod.

"Oh shit yeah, someone fucked him up," Heath says slightly laughing. "Really badly too. I mean look at him."

I look over to Mia, Olive, and Preston who don't seem to look that surprised.

Preston seems to read my mind. "He's been like that since yesterday."

Since yesterday. Since Cal found out.

"Why do you care? You know the guy?" Zane asks.

I shake my head and my eyes meet Cals as I lie to Zane. "No. Just wondering."

I don't know if he knows I suspect him. Why else would Dillon get beat up right after I tell Cal?

"Am I still coming over today?" I ask in case he's changed his mind about tutoring me today.

He nods. "Yeah."

I try to offer him a small smile but the way he's looking at me is so intense. My eyes shift over to his knuckles on the table. I'm shocked when I see they have cuts on them.

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