24 | Two Beds

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Cal remains quiet during the car ride but looking at his face he seems to have lightened up a little.
Though it is hard to tell with Cal.

When we arrive at the airport we manage to meet up with Finn, Heath, and Olive but Zane and Mia had already gone through airport security without us.

I mentally prepare myself for airport security. It is so stressful for no reason and they're always so scary. They look like they're going to eat me alive if I am not fast enough. Heath was the only other one who was also nervous about airport security. Preston and Olive told me to suck it up, while Finn shrugged it off, and Cal actually helped me with my stuff.

Thankfully it's over quickly and we find Zane and Mia waiting for us at our gate. I have no idea what was going on with them considering that they weren't official. I also had never seen Mia stick around a guy for this long. Usually, they piss her off.

When we get on the plane, Cal helps me with putting my bags in the overhead compartment because that also scares me. I always feel like it's going to fall on my head when I lift it over. Also, I can't lift it over my head but that's not to be talked about. Then he goes and sits in the seat furthest from mine in our row.

I sit next to Olive and our friends fill up the rows behind us. The flight was going to be long and knowing Olive she would be asleep for more than half of it. The food was terrible as per usual and I spent the flight watching movies, reading, and sleeping.


To say Bali is beautiful is an understatement. No word could capture its beauty all in one. Then when we reached the resort I was even more blown away.

The warm breeze, crystal clear blue skies, and big tall coconut palm trees everywhere. My eyes marveled at the beauty of the nature surrounding us at the resort. I couldn't believe I was staying here for two whole weeks.

Mia looks just as in awe. "This place cannot be real."

"I know. Someone pinch me," I say and not so surprisingly I get pinched by Cal. "Ow!"

He smirks and just keeps walking.

When we walk inside, it's huge. The wooden interior felt so cozy.

Finn stops by some chairs in the lobby. "Okay, so we reserved the four rooms they had left. Everyone knows who they're rooming with?"

Mia is probably going to room with Zane so that just leaves me and Olive with each other.

We all nod and I look over at Olive but she's busy on her phone.

Finn and Olive tell us they can check in for us while we get our bags. So the rest of us get our luggage and put it onto the luggage cart. By the time we roll it into the lobby Finn and Olive are walking back to us with our key cards.

Finn hands one to Heath. "This is ours. Room C24" Then to Zane and Mia as expected. "C23."

Mia, on the other hand, gives Preston one.

Then Finn sheepishly hands me and Cal our key cards. "C25."

"Whose room is that? Mine or Cals?" I ask.

He hesitates and tries to give a smile. "Both?"

"What?" Cal and I say in chorus.

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