35 | School Can Wait

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I look at Cals 5 in one shampoo and conditioner bottle and reluctantly use it before vowing to buy him new ones. I never understood why men buy those. I was using the shower in Cal's room but I felt like I should've used the one in the guest room. Cal suggested otherwise. I try not to take too long but that was inevitable. When I took a shower, especially if I washed my hair, it wasn't going to be quick. I did try to be quick though but I wasn't. After wasting Cal's water bill for about 40 minutes I get out.

Cal had given me some clothes to wear—a T-shirt of his and some shorts that needed to be extremely tightened. I looked like Adam Sandler after putting them on. I brush out my wet hair, moisturize, and then head downstairs to find Cal. I looked ridiculous but I was too hungry to care.

As I'm making my way to the kitchen I'm surprised to find it almost spotless. The aroma of freshly baked cookies and pizza Cal was wearing an apron as he cleaned up the mess in the kitchen.

"You finished?" I ask, surprised.

He turned around not realizing I had come down. When he spots me he takes a quick at my ridiculous outfit but instead of bursting out laughing like I'd expected, he just smiles. "For a second I thought you weren't going to come out."

"Sorry," I say sheepishly, "I just have a habit of taking long showers." I realize he's showered too."How did you do all...."

"You took an hour. I took five minutes." He doesn't look annoyed by it though yet I go to say sorry again. "Don't apologize again."

I close my lips shut. I walk towards the pizza. "Huh," I say checking it out.

"What?" He walks over, concerned.

"I'm surprised it didn't come out burnt or messed up."

"I told you to trust me."

I shrug. "We don't know how they taste yet."

They tasted amazing like heaven. I didn't know pizza could taste this good. Maybe I was just hungry but that first bite felt like a food orgasm. Foodgasm.

I let out a moan unexpectedly.

Cal places the cookies along with way too many chips and pauses. He smirks. "Learn not to doubt me now?"

I swallow quickly. "You just got lucky."

He shakes his head and leaves the room. I was wrapped up in a blanket waiting for him to come back so we could start the movie. He brings in some more snacks and then settles down on the couch.

He sits right next to me catching me by surprise. I thought he'd sit farther away from me. We share the blanket.

The cookies tasted terrific too and I had to admit it wasn't just luck.

We're awfully close and I'm painfully aware of any sort of contact we are having. We're watching the conjuring. I was against the horror movie but I let Cal pick since he made all the food. I get scared easily. Way too easily. I doubt I'd be sleeping well tonight and I find myself wishing that I could sleep in bed with Cal tonight. But this wasn't the resort in Bali. I would have to stay in the guest room. Alone.

I try not to think about that right now. About thirty minutes in I'm stuffed with all the snacks and food Cal has given me. I have been covering my eyes at the scary parts and Cal tells me when it is finally okay to look again. We're both finished eating and comfortably situated on the couch.

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