[ 1 ] -*. Our fate lies in the stars -*.

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I lay in my bed, the sound of my alarm going off awakening me. I open my blinds to hopefully wake me up a bit more, but no. Still feeling groggy. My cat, Yogurt nuzzled up to my face, licking my neck to wake me up. She was so sweet. My whole world has only furries. Well, there are wild animals too. People usually have pet cats, and pet dogs. Sometimes, a cat may also have a pet cat. I decided to finally get up after thinking about things for a bit. 6:00 AM. I had to be in school at 7:00 AM. My bus usually came at 6:50. I got myself ready for school. I threw on a dark cyan cropped hoodie, and black leggings. I also wore a moon choker, and cross earrings. I ate yogurt with fruit for breakfast. It was delicious. Not Yogurt as in my cat, but as in the food. I did a light workout every morning. It was just seven pushups. It wasn't much, but I didn't wanna get like really buff, but I wanted to stay healthy. I left my house, and started walking. I always walked with Ryoshi, my bestfriend. He's a lot shorter than me. He's 6'3" and I'm 5'7". Very tall. I walked to Ryoshi's house and we walked with eachother. As I walked with Ryoshi, I couldn't stop myself from looking at him. I had a big crush on him. I had had a crush on him since I was thirteen, but I never had the courage to admit it. I looked very distressed because.. I was. Having a crush on someone you knew didn't like you was frustrating. He saw I was stressed and stopped me. His hands were warm on my cold skin beneath my fur. "Is something wrong?" He asked, looking at me worriedly. I froze instantly. He could always tell when I was stressed or unwell. I said "I-I like you, okay? I've had a crush on you for 3 years but I never told you because I thought you were straight..." I said, tears slowly seeping out of my eyes. "Hey.. Don't cry. I actually... have a crush on you too." Ryoshi said, hugging me instantly. He wrapped his tail and arms around me, and I did the same. We continued walking, and my tears dried.

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Us against The world || Gay furry love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora