[ 7 ] -*. Backtracking .*-

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It had been around five days since Hope got the scar, so we decided to look at it. We were shocked to see that it was almost invisible. You could still see the line of where the cut once stood. It had a sort of outline. She could finally exercise and run. "It's about damn time!" Hope said, making us all bust out in laughter. "Well that finally means we can do something..." Marcus said, smirking. "Shut up." Hope said, turning away but clearly still smiling. "We've been so busy these last five days. Maybe we should take a day to just relax." Amaya suggested. "That sounds like a great idea!" Chief said, in response to Amaya. "Well if we're doing that, me and Juno might as well do "it" for the first time.." Ryoshi said, smirking at me. "Shut up." I said, kissing him after saying that. "Let's all just go back to our tents, and think of plans that don't require much work." Hope said, being her lazy self. I walked back to the tent with Ryoshi, intertwining his paws with mine as we walked. We laid down, and as always, I put my head on his chest. "Baby?" I said, in a worried way. "Yes?" He said, looking down at me with concern. "I had a.. nightmare about that hyena." I said. "I hate that bastard. I'd murder him if I could." he said, looking up at the sky through the mesh window at the top of the tent. "What if he. comes back?" I said, worrying even more. "Shh. That won't happen." he said, looking at me with a smug look in his eyes. Sitting on his chest was comfortable, but I felt like doing something else. I smirked at him, and sat on his lap.  He turned away from me, obviously blushing. He looked at me and grabbed my face. His paws were warm on my face, and he made out with me while I was still on his lap. We got "sOmEtHiNg DoWnStAiRs" that I'm not gonna mention.. One thing went to another, and we did.. it... 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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