[ 6 ] -*. The Star Festival .*-

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Once we got there, I saw Hope and Marcus, and Chief and Amaya. There were other people there too, but there were divided places that people camped at. Hope's leg was injured, so Marcus had to carry her. It was so romantic, the way Marcus treats Hope. He treats her like a queen. Not just a queen, his queen. He carried her bridal style. I decided to talk to Marcus for a bit. "How did Hope injure her paw and leg?" I said. "She was going down the stairs and tripped on her shoes, and fell down five treads." Marcus responded. "Yikes.." I said. We got to the tents, and there were three of them. Chief and Amaya shared a tent, me and Ryoshi, and Hope and Marcus. We all went to the top of the hill, and laid down on blankets that were set down for us before we got here. We shared blankets, and looked at the stars. The moon was in the sky, and there were slightly visible clouds. The stars shone bright in the sky, and they were beautiful. Marcus pulled out his guitar, and sang "Girl Like You" to  Hope. His singing was beautiful, and he was amazing at playing the guitar. "I have to go to the bathroom, be right back" I said. I walked to the forest, and while I walked, I heard rustling. "AH!" I screamed, and fell backwards as a hand was put over my hand before I could finish screaming. There was a hyena on top of me, and I pushed him off. "Finally, I have you now.. I love you." he said to me, his hot breath getting in my face, instantly pinning me back onto the ground and this time, I couldn't move. He ripped my shirt off, and while he was, I screamed "RYOSHI!" at the top of my lungs, hoping he would hear me. The hyena  hopped off of me at the sound of multiple paws running towards me. He pulled a knife out of his pocket, and put it in his mouth. Marcus, Hope, Ryoshi, Amaya and Chief all came, and fought the hyena. The hyena slit open Hope's leg, and it looked deep. We eventually made him retreat, but we were worried about Hope. We carried her back to the camp, and put some bandaids on it to cover it. We all went to sleep, to hopefully forget that happened. We still had two weeks to camp, and Marcus inspected it, and it wasn't as deep as we thought. We were able to go back to sleep peacefully. I still wondered who that Hyena was.

WARNING: The beginning of next chapter goes into a little detail on Hope's cut. It's a little unsettling, so maybe save that part of it for later if you're eating.

470 words.

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