[ 3 ] -*. The Problem .*-

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 I worried about how my dad would react to me and Ryoshi while I was in my math class. He was a massive homophobe, and actually cut my arm open, and it got infected and I almost died. My mom didn't allow him to see me again but she said "He's changed since then. He won't do it again, it's been four years." I wanted to trust the things she said to me since she was my mother, but deep down I knew he would react even worse to me dating an animal that could easily devour me. He would be even angrier that I was dating another boy. The school day went past like a speeding bullet, and now I was on the bus with Ryoshi. I told him about my dad and how he would be angry at me for dating him, and how he's coming back home today. "Well then, if he wants to hurt you then I'll be there to stop him from even touching you." I smiled at him, feeling relieved. I kissed him for the first time, and it was amazing. It lasted 10 seconds, and I turned away, blushing hard. We got off of the bus at the same stop, and he walked in with me. "Ah, the disappointment is here. And he brought another loser with him." my dad said. Ryoshi hissed at him. "Relax please." my mom said, attempting to calm him down.

242 words.

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