[ 7 ] -*. Stay Hopeful .*-

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Warning: A little graphic, so skip this part if you're eating


We woke up to Hope screaming. She had removed the bandaids to look at the cut, and it had swelled and was seeping pus, and was bleeding a little bit. 

okay graphic part over :)


We instantly  drove to the nearest hospital, and thankfully, they had an open room since it was like 8AM on a Wednesday morning. They examined the cut, and said Hope's cut had gotten infected, and that we needed to apply ointment to it every 8 hours, and that she shouldn't run for 5 days, or do any exercise. He said "You're lucky she didn't wait any longer to visit. She could have died if you guys didn't come." Hope was TERRIFIED at the thought of almost dying. We went back to the camp, and didn't know what to do. We decided to go on a hike walking, since Hope couldn't jog or run. After jogging with Hope, we decided to look at her leg. We prepared for the worst. Surprisingly, once we looked at it, it had grown the skin back. I touched it because I'm too curious and Hope said "OW!" I said "Oops. Sorry." I felt bad about it, since I hurt her. Marcus almost growled at me, but stopped himself. "Sorry, instincts." he said to me. I went back into the tent, because I was tired after jogging for two and a half hours. Ryoshi had gone into the tent earlier, and I laid down on his chest, and we just talked. I liked talking to him because his voice was relaxing, and he knew how to not be too loud. I fell asleep in his arms. He drifted off soon after I did. We were then RUDELY awoken by Hope and Marcus saying "Wake up. We're going to Olive Garden." Ryoshi jolted up, being shocked that she would wake us up THIS abruptly, which sent me onto the bottom of the tent. He landed on top of me. It would have been a very romantic moment if his COMICALLY LARGE CANDY CANE WASN'T POKING ME! "ExCuSe Me SiR bUt YoUr CoMiCaLlY lArGe CaNdY cAnE iS pOkInG mE" I said, sarcastically. He got up and looked away, blushing. We then went to Olive Garden. The food was alright, but the breadsticks were the best part. If you don't like Olive Garden breadsticks, there's no way you're furry.

407 words

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