[ 4 ] -*. The Fight .*-

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"Let's have a meeting for a second." my mom said. I didn't know what she would say. I shook, afraid of my dad, and reliving the moment he cut me. Ryoshi noticed this, and wrapped himself around me. He was always warm, and I stopped shaking as much as I was. "So, we need to tell you about something, baby." The fact she still called him "baby" after what he did to me pissed me off. I could tell it made Ryoshi angry too. "Juno and Ryoshi are dating!" she said. My dad's face went from relaxed to... Very angry. "MY SON IS DATING ANOTHER MAN!? I THOUGHT HE WOULD GROW OUT OF THIS STUPID PHASE!" he shouted at me and my mother. He tried to approach me, but Ryoshi unsheathed his claws, and hissed at him. I also growled at him, but I don't think I was as scary as a 6'0" strong snow leopard. My dad said "So you want to fight me, huh?" he said to my boyfriend. "Actually, yes. I'd go to the ends of the earth for your son, and I'll kill you if I have to." Ryoshi said, a flame burning in his eyes. They ran outside, and tackled eachother instantly. They threw punches at eachother, and while I watched, it seemed like Ryoshi was winning. My dad had two black eyes, and had a few bruises. Ryoshi dragged him in and stared him dead in the eyes and said "Don't you dare EVER hurt or even TOUCH my boyfriend again. Now let's go." Ryoshi grabbed me, and he took me to his house.

270 words.

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