[ 5 ] -*. The Surprise .*-

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I got to Ryoshi's house and we went up to his bedroom, and he said "Do you want to take a nap? I know that was tiring for you. "Sure!" I said. He took his shirt off. It's not like it was anything I hadn't seen before, but it's different when I'm his boyfriend and I'm seeing him shirtless. He laid back on the bed with his head on the pillow, and I put my head on his chest, and fell asleep in his lap. He had abs, and his chest was soft and fluffy. It was like laying on the softest pillow ever made. I woke up to a shoulder tap, and I opened my eyes. I was in Ryoshi's car, and he said "Good morning, love." He kissed me. "I wanted to surprise you by going to the star festival with our friends!" he said. I was so excited to go. "Oh my god thank you so muchh!" I said, laughing. "Don't worry about it. There's also a camping trip after it, since we have Spring break." "You're the best boyfriend ever." I said. Just as I said that, the radio turned on, and it played Marry You by Bruno Mars.

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