Yandere Rivals x Male Reader

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Requested by Obaminomicon

Okay so, I'm just gonna do one rival, and that's Osana. Besides, I don't want to do 10 parts about each rival.

So Obaminomicon I hope that is okay with you.

(Y/n POV)

I got up out of my bed. Hoping this day at school will be okay. Unlike any other day, people who I talk to keep going missing. It's like, hard to make friends nowadays. I kept praying that when I talk to someone, they wouldn't go missing. I finished my breakfast then started to head to school.

"Whoever I talk to, please don't go missing..." I thought to myself.

(Osana POV)

I left my house and hurried to go see my one and only true love. Y/n L/n. He is just perfect. Everything about him, is perfect. I wish I could give my thanks to Ayano for turning me into a Yandere before she, had to go to America with her parents. At first, Ayano and I hated each other. Now, we're best friends.

I was crouching down behind a bush. Taking pictures of Y/n.

"He's so cute!" I thought to myself.

(Y/n POV)

Still walking to school. Only about 5 minutes before I arrived at school.

 "Yep! Only about 5 minutes." I said.

Again and still, WALKING TO SCHOOL! Only 30 seconds. As I got to school, I did what everyone else does. Take off their shoes, and then put on the shoes that the school gave you to put on. I walked inside the school plaza. "Y/n! Over here!" Taro called for me over at the fountain.

As I walked over, I said, "Hey Taro! What's up?" "Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to talk to you." He said with a nice smile.

"So~, how is Ayano doing?" I asked. "Oh Ayano? She says she's doing great and that America is wonderful." He answered.

Then his smile went to a frown. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just wish I could be with her." he answered in a sad tone. I really don't like it when my friends are feeling down.

(Osana POV)

I was listening to Y/n and Taro's conversation. Poor Taro. He really misses Ayano. But then, something that Taro did to Y/n, made me really, really, mad...

(Y/n POV)

Taro was hugging me. I was scared of this because most people I talk to go missing. Or found dead. But for some reason, it was mostly girls. Which was weird. But besides that, I didn't want Taro to go missing. Taro, Osana, and I were all childhood friends. I wouldn't want my childhood best friend to go missing.

(Osana POV)

I was trying my best to calm myself down. Taro is dating Ayano. So, there is no reason to get mad at him. I know for a fact that Taro won't take away Y/n from me. I just kept listening to there conversation.

(Y/n POV)

When Taro hugged me, I hugged him back. I just want my friend to be happy. Then we released the hug.

(Time skip)

"Hey Y/n!" a voice behind me said. I turned around to see Osana 6 inches away from my face. "Whoa!" I exclaimed, "Sorry, it's just that you're, very close to me."

"Hehe! I'm sorry, any who,~ how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good." I answered.

"So, I was wondering if you can come with me real quick." she said with a smile.

Putting my hand behind my head, "Sure, I guess." I said.

(Osana POV)

A small evil grin appeared on my face. He didn't know that I was gonna kidnap him. I took him to the room where Ayano kidnapped me. Just for a sleepover, in her basement, for two whole days. I went behind Y/n. Put my hand on his mouth. Put the needle of the syringe in his neck. Injected the sedative poison that was in the syringe through his neck. Then he slowly, went to sleep.

(Time skip, Osana's basement)

I have you now, Y/n~, I thought to myself.

(Y/n's POV)

I couldn't see anything. Struggling to get out of...Rope?! All I remembered was following Osana. Into a room in the gym. Did she- Did she kidnap me?! No! I refuse to believe that's true. But, where am I? Wait, hold on... I'm in a chair...Why didn't I notice that?! You know what, I'm just dumb... What even happened? I still don't want to believe that Osana kidnapped me.

(Osana POV)

"Hello, Y/n.~" I said.

He was still struggling to get out of the chair. "Osana?! What's going on?!" he exclaimed.

I put my finger to his lips, "Shh,~" I cooed, "everything is okay."

He pulled his head away. I pulled my hand away from him.

"You know, Y/n," I said as I went behind him, "I've been, watching you, for some time now."

"Every breath you take, it takes mine away,~" I said in a seductive yet evil tone of voice.

I put my hands on his shoulders. He shivered. "Please stop!" Y/n said in a quite aggressive tone of voice.

"Oh, Y/n,~" I said in a seductive evil voice, "you don't get it."

"I want you to be mine. And only mine." I said lifting his chin up.

He pulled away. I was starting to get angry.

"I don't know what you want to do with me, but I swear when I get out of here I'll-" Y/n said only to be cut off by me. "Shh,~" I cooed putting my finger on his lips, "I want you to be mine. I already said that.~"

"But first," I said, "go to sleep."

I put, MORE, sedative poison in him. For some reason, I felt pity for him. Well, I have been kidnapped before. Just, for I'm about to do, didn't happen with me and Yan~Chan...

(Time Skip, Osana's Bedroom)

Her parents went on vacation for a little while so, no need to worry.

(Y/n's POV)

Okay so, she did kidnap me. BUT, she put more sedative poison in me. Then when I woke up, I was found in a bedroom. I figured it was Osana's because I've been at her house before.

And yet again, I'm tied in rope. Again. I was trying to get out of it. Osana tied it really tight. I can't even move my hands as much. I'm just concerned that my hands might turn purple...

That was the only thing I was worried about, other than the fact that, I'm STILL IN OSANA'S HOUSE!!!

(3rd person POV)

Osana stepped out of the shadows. Y/n was still trying to get out of the rope. While Y/n was failing, miserably to get out of the rope, his eyes met Osana's. She looked away, a little flustered about what she was gonna do. She started to crawl on top of Y/n. He was scared. Osana took the tape off of his mouth. And kissed him. It was rough, passionate, and full of lust.

Y/n had no choice but to kiss her back. They stopped kissing after a while. Osana was sitting on Y/n. She put the tape back on Y/n's mouth. And made him fall asleep, again.

Don't worry, Y/n didn't die. Also, don't ask why Osana took him to her room then put him back in her basement. But Y/n has been missing for years. He isn't dead though. So yeah. That's it for this one shot. I hope you enjoyed it. Bai.

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