Natsuki Renai x Ayano Aishi

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Requested by :Lambythefurry

Dis is how I see Natsuki Renai, if green is not her eye color, Lambythefurry, I am sorry for getting the eye color wrong I will fix it if needed. Also, yes it's Gacha deal with it. Also, ANOTHER OVERDUE ONE~SHOT! 

(Natsuki's POV)

I woke up and hurried to get ready to see the most beautiful girl in Akademi. Ayano Aishi. She is the sweetest person I've ever met. She will be mine. Besides, I'll make her mine. I bolted out the door to hurry up to go walk with Ayano. Ayano and I walk together to go to school. She doesn't know that I have a big crush on her.

There's just something about her. Her eyes, have a spark in them. Her skin is so soft and smooth. Her smile just makes my day. I want her to be mine. And she will be mine. She just doesn't know it yet. I have the perfect plan to make her mine.

(3rd Person POV + Time Skip)

It was around lunch time and Natsuki was looking for Ayano. The blonde headed girl ran through the halls to look for the love of her life. Until...


Natsuki ran into someone. She looked up to see Ayano holding out her hand to help Natsuki up. She was blushing kinda but Ayano didn't notice. "Are you okay?" Ayano asked putting her hand on Natsuki's shoulder. Now that made her turn dark red.

"Y-Yeah!" Natsuki stuttered. The blonde girl was still dark red. Ayano took notice of this. Natsuki finally stopped being a cherry tomato. Then Ayano swooped Natsuki into the air as if she was her girlfriend and dipped her down as if they were dancing.

"Ayano! What are you doing?!" Natsuki exclaimed turning very red. "Couldn't help but notice that whenever I'm around you, your skin turns red."

Natsuki thought that Ayano was playing with her feelings but she didn't care.

(Time Skip)

It was Friday and Natsuki was running down the halls towards Ayano's locker. Natsuki knew that Ayano stays at school until around 6 P.M. The blonde haired girl put a pink note in Ayano's locker then bolted to the cherry tree in the back of the school.

When Ayano went up her locker, she found the note. Read it, then ran all the way to the cherry tree.

When Ayano got there, she was out of breath. Natsuki came up to Ayano from behind the tree. Ayano looked up at Natsuki, just looking at how beautiful she is. Natsuki confesses that she has really deep feelings for Ayano. Ayano felt the same way.

After having a sweet and soft kiss under the cherry tree  Natsuki put a syringe full of sleeping poison into Ayano and kidnapped her. And now, Ayano has to live with Natsuki for the rest of her life now. And had to adopt a child because Natsuki wanted kids and so for a present Ayano gave her a child. Then they all lived happily ever after.

Alright bitch it's over, now get out...

You're still here? It's over! Go home!


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