Free At Last

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I settled down in an abandoned house, between two buildings of New York. It was dusty, very dirty— but to me it looked as if it just needed a dude like me to move in. I don't know how long I could stay brothers would be furious— though I don't know why, they don't like me so why do they nag me?
Mikey POV:

I looked at the dusty home I had walked into, hoping to find some rest. I saw a big comfy quilt on the floor, seeing it as an invite for a good rest I drank some water and then slept for awhile. No idea how long, I didn't bring a watch. I had started to get hungry, so I went to murakami's. It was pretty late so no one would probably be there anyway. I walked into chinatown, and saw his building.

Smelling the delicious cooking inside, I followed. The fresh air mixed with fresh food was lovely. Just lovely. No words to describe how I will never forget that lovely smell. "Hello Michaelengo'san(I think that's what he calls him, I don't remember) murakami dips his head in greeting, asking him if he wanted something. I explained my situation and politely asked if he could spare some food. Murakami nodded, and gave Mikey a fresh batch of (I forgot what they call the pizza rolls or whatever) it smelt delicious and I could not wait to eat it. I was excited, I was really hungry and the thought of any food just gave me the strength to eat it. I politely thanked him and then set off. I went to the top of a building and rested on a ledge, dangling my legs with the plate of delicious food on my lap. I may be in a bit of a problem with my brothers, but that won't keep me from being myself. I picked one of them up and bit into the fresh hot food, feeling the wave of flavors wash over my tounge. "Mmmh!" I enjoyed it very much and ate the rest, savoring each delicate flavor. Letting the feeling of comfortable fullness wash over my body, I started to think.

What did my brothers think?
Do they miss me?
No that's silly...
They didn't want me.
Why would they?
But what if...

I shook my head, my brothers did not want me or need me. To them I'm just a mindless shell, a stupid brother that'd they never appreciate. They treat me as if I had no worth, and let my thoughts and feelings pass by like days on a calendar. I scowled as I jumped from the building to throw away the plate, still smelling of deliciousness. I decided I would go back to the abandoned house in the middle of those buildings, it wasn't to bad. I mean, my bedroom was probably considered worse— according to my brothers. I had no where else to go, so I didn't mind it. I didn't mind it one bit. I actually loved it. But...

I do wish my brothers would care,
I do wish they would love me.
But I don't need their acceptance any longer.
No longer do I need them.
For I am Free At Last.

Hope you enjoyed, Cause I sure did! I got the motivation from tmnt fanfics...
No, not those weird— REALLY weird ones.
Check out my YT and TT for TMNT videos!
I have a dare video coming soon if you'd like to comment down dares/truths. I'm trying to get them all in so it may take awhile to come out!
YT: Fonart
TT: Final.fonart
Stay colorful🧡

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