The New Me

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recently Aria has let me stay at her home, which is an apartment. I get off of my new bed, which is a pretty comfy one considering i could still be laying on that quilt. i stretch my arms and legs and slip on my new bandana/mask. i really like it! and so do i like my new name, I think it fits me nicely. I'm happy I am finally going to move on, move to a happier life. being Mikey wasn't me. being Mikey was only for them, my brothers and my sensei. my old sensei. ill train I, I am not going to get out of shape. I will become strong and laugh when they dare call me weak.

for i am Koko, not Mikey anymore.

Koko Pov

"Goodmorning Ar, what's the plan today?" I ask, yawning while stretching out my arms. "Not much considering we can't do much..." Aria replies, but then adds "but I'm sure we can find something to do around this place...though you can't get far because you are a mutant turtle." i roll my eyes, "oh come on! this city's seen worse...I'm pretty cute if I say so myself" Aria giggles at this. I chuckle a bit too, but I'm not trying to be funny! I'm being serious, I am cute. "You weren't afraid of me when you first saw me!" i fake pouted. "You didn't look very threatening considering you were on the floor reading Wingnut comics." she states with a smug look, i pout again. "Maybe I can fit a jacket over my shell, or even a cloak-- theyll never know my true identity!" I say. Aria smiles, "yeah, you'll look like a hunchback green bean" she laughs at me for a few seconds before she wipes a tear and looks at me and giggles a bit again. "Whatever, your humor sucks!" I cross my arms and look away. I'm pretty good at being dramatic. "oh, come on Koko! I'm just bein' honest with you!" she smiles wider and wraps an arm around me, I look at her still turned away with my arms crossed and go "can we at least try?" Aria looks at me with deep interest and sighs, "maybe it'll work, but what'll we do out there anyway?" she asks me. I turn back to her, and she removes her arm off me. "Well...we could go out for ice cream?" I say, then memories flood my mind.


"Hey kitty kitty mama! want to play some cards? coochie coochie coo!"


"Koko? Koko!" aria snaps her fingers to get my attention, I snap out of my flashback and blink a few seconds to regain my thoughts. "Ah! sorry, Ar" I say, startled. "what's on your mind?" she asks me with concerned eyes. i sigh and hang my head. "I...I had another friend before you..." I start. "Her name was Ice cream kitty, kitty for short...she was a mutated ice cream cat." I explain, "she was my best friend, and stayed with me through tough times..." i start to tear up.

"Ice cream? that's a new one...well we have a fridge, where is she?" my eyes light up and a tear rolls down my face as i look up at her with wide eyes. "I-- shes with old family" i mumble the end a bit, she puts a hand on my shoulder. "well, we need to have some courage and go fetch her! i bet she'll be happier with us anyway." she snickers. i chuckle a bit too, but i dont like the idea of going back to the lair... though, i could get more of my stuff. i smile a bit, i can gather my stuff and move out for good! "yes! yes we will go get her, and all my stuff- well all we can!" i yell, happily. "so your offically moving in with me?!" Aria lights up too, she smiles. "yes! if its okay with you of course!" i say cheerfully. "of course!"

we walk into an alley way, the sun coming down. "where?" Aria asks me. "down there" i reply, tilting my head towards the sewers. "wow, down there? thats an odd place to live" she tells me. "well when your a mutated turtle nothings to odd" i smile at my words as i pick up the sewer lid and slide in. Aria climbs after me, and we make our way into the sewer tunnels. "wow, it smells" "i got used to it, smells like home in my case." i say sadly. "im hoping my home will smell like yours soon" Aria says, brightening the mood. we both walk for awhile, and then make out way into the lair.

"mikey?..." i hear april say, confused at why im here, and my new look. "woah, he came back- with a girl?" casey adds. i roll my eyes, "im not staying so dont expect me to be all happy about being here, cause im not." i say in a low voice as donnie walks in, his gaze shifting to my black banada/mask around my neck, covering my mouth. "mikey!" i scowl, thats not me. "im only here to take whats mine" i say, taking Arias hand. she doesnt fight me, and we head towards my room. i open the door and she sees the mess. "wow, your gonna fit right in" she giggles. i smile a bit at her comment, but i start picking up some special stuff right away.

my action figure unicorn man, hes memories through and through.

my t pod, it gives me unlimited music and how could i not take it with me?

my skateboard, its my getaway from life.

i look around my room, deciding thats all i need. me and Aria walk out, leaving a photo of me and my brothers to stay pinned on the wall. me and Aria walk into the kitchen, and i open the fridge. "kitty! oh my sweet precious friend!" i gasp as i hug my messy friend, not caring how cold she was. i grabbed a bowl and she got in. "i promised id get you, and i dont lie." not often. i carry kitty while Aria carries the rest of my stuff. what a good friend. i walk into the main room, seeing all my old family standing there, waiting for me. i stay silent, silently begging for them to let me leave. "Mikey...are you moving out? for good?" Donnie asks with concern clouding in his eyes. i sigh, "you all never liked me. i was only a burden to you all, dont say im wrong because i know im right and thats all i need to know." i say with a serious voice. Master Splinter stares at me. "michealengo, will you continue your training?" he asks me, i close my eyes and let Arias hand hold mine, seeking comfort i tighten my grip. "my name is not michealengo, nor is it Mikey." say in a low tone. "my name is now Koko, i am now no longer him, for this is The New Me."

Sick Of It - Tmnt Mikey runaway storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora