Someone new?

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Kokos POV

I open my eyes, yawning and getting up out of bed. I walk to the kitchen. "Goodmorning Koko!" Ari says cheerfully. "morning!" me and Ari are morning people luckily. "wanna go to the park today?" Ari asks, sipping her orange juice. "sure, breakfast first though!" I say seriously, "breakfast is the most important part of the day!" Ari laughs, i fake pout. Her laugh makes me smile, I quickly toast some bread and butter it up. I bite into my piece of toast as Ari eats hers. We eat our breakfast together and head out. I dont worry about being seen in public as much anymore, new york as seen a lot worse. "that wingnut comic was really good, we need to get the next one." Ari tells me. "yeah, it was. And we definitely are!" I reply. We chat for a bit while walking to the park, suddenly Ari trips on a rock. She tumbles down onto the sidewalk, making me gasp. "are you okay?" i ask as her knee bleeds. "heh, dont worry! ive dealt with worse..." she mumbles the end, making me a bit confused. I shake it off and help her up. "should we go back and clean it up?-" I ask, getting cut off by Ari. "nonono its fine! im fine." she reasures me, im not really conviced but i wont force her. We continue our walk to the park, seeing some children playing on the playground. I muffled screams of excitment, and then some kids start running up to us. "its a big turtle!" A little girl squeals, hugging me. "aww, you got yourself some fans!" Ari giggles, making me giggle back. "whats his name?" another girl asks. "koko!" I reply happily. All the kids laugh and ask me for piggy back rides.

2 hours later.

"you seem worn out." Ari says sarcastically. "hey, im still full of energy!" I brighten up as we walk back home in the dark. "wanna drop by the comic store?" Ari changes the subject, i nod. We walk to the comic store, both saddened when we see its closed. "dangit!" Ari pouts, we both turn quickly in the direction of an alley way when we hear a garbage can falling over loudly. "must be a raccoon.." Ari says, i grab her hand and run towards it. "you can never be to sure!" I reply. We run into the alley way, Ari takes out her phone and uses the flashlight to see. "anyone here?" I yell, my words echoing off the walls as a shadow creeps towards us. We both stiffen as a brown mutant turtle apears. "woah...another turtle? I thought that there was none more than you and your brothers?" Ari gasps. My eyes light up, "who are you?" I dont know why, but for some reason im really happy. " names Issac." The brown turtle replies, his soothing voice almost a whisper. "why are you..." Ari stops, her eyes softening. Issac looks at his feet. Me and Ari look at eachother, i nod. "do you need a place to stay?" Ari offers, Issac immediately looks up at us, his eyes lit up. He then looked unsure. "only if my sister can come to.." Me and Ari look at eachother again, I look back at issac and shrug. "depends...does she like icecream cats?" I place my hands on my hips, suprising Issac. "uh...weird question, i suppose she wouldnt dislike them...?" He looks as if he cant decide whether to laugh or be serious. Ari suddenly giggles, "of course she can!" She says. Issac smiles slightly, "Olive!" he calls, his voice echoing as a little brown turtle waddles infront of him. He picks up his sister and looks at me and Ari. "Where to?"

Thank you all for reading this chapter. sorry it took so long to come out, Ive been sick recently. Anyway, i mixed up some of the ideas i saw in the chat. Id like you all to know that i cannot respond to any of your comments, i wish i could but i have email problems. Thats all for now, have a nice day/night! oh and stay colorful!

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