Something Substantial With Me

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Gray felt something warm in his mind, then a soft touch. He opened his eyes to blue sky and Lucy looking down on him. Her blonde hair framed her peachy face, and the tips tickled his cheeks. Her eyes were gentle and squinted with a smile. Her whole body seemed to blur in the glare of the sun, until all he could really point out were her eyes and red lips.

"Sleepyhead," she teased softly. Then she pulled away and was gone.

Gray stood and looked around in confusion. He was in a grassy field dotted with tiny indigo flowers. In the distance shimmered a dark lake rippling with a summer breeze. In the middle of the floral field stood a solitary, dark green willow tree.

Gray walked toward the tree and saw Lucy lying in the veiling shade, her knees up, seemingly asleep. From where he stood, he could clearly see her red underwear. He felt like teasing her, but he decided just to warn her about the revealing position. He brushed aside the drooping willow branches and entered her little domain. The shade within felt refreshingly cold compared to the burning summer sun. Lucy's eyes opened slowly, and she smiled at seeing him.

"You're wearing your coat, Gray."

He looked down and realized she was right. He was still fully dressed in a black turtleneck and white lengthy coat.

"Take it off," she ordered in a sultry tone.

Gray hardly needed an order to strip. He threw aside the clothes, all of them, until he stood stark naked in front of her. He watched her eyes rove over his skin until she smiled with lusty approval. Then Gray knelt beside her.

"Lucy..." It seemed foolish to warn her about her underwear showing now. They were safe in the shade of this tree, away from all other eyes.

Lucy reached up and stroked his face. "Kiss me, Gray."

The urge was so strong, he obeyed without thinking about it. To hell with Natsu and Loke and all the others! Lucy was touching him now. She was kissing him. When he began to unbutton her blouse, she helped him to slide it off.

Lucy reached down and took hold of his stiff shaft. Gray moaned at her touch. His lips suckled her breasts while his fingers sought out her warm moistness between her legs, thrusting inside and listening to her gasps. She was so soft inside and scorching hot compared to his icy fingers. He felt a strange sense of possessiveness. Gray suddenly wanted to claim her thoroughly. He wanted to possess every part of her, not just outside ... but inside!

"Gray," she moaned hotly into his ear. "I want you."

The ice wizard swallowed hard. He hated to admit it to anyone, but hearing a woman say that they wanted him always turned him on. He needed her desperately now. He had felt this deep desire for a while, and now she was here under him, moaning that she wanted him. It was a dream come true.

"Take me, Gray," Lucy pleaded, rolling her hips up for him in offering.

He caressed the smoothness of her rump, around the thighs, and spread apart the fuzzy lips below. He gazed at the forbidden entrance that had mystified men for ages. That possessive desire surged in him, making his cock dance like a child waiting for recess and a chance to run wild on the playground. Now he was staring at his "playground," and Gray felt like he had never seen anything so amazing in his life.

"I love you, Lucy," he whispered as he slowly lowered himself onto her to slide within.

"Nnnngh ... yes," Lucy groaned.

Gray felt how tight she was, and he pressed harder to break in. He looked down at where his flared head was trying to stab inside that small hole. It was a miracle such a thing could fit inside a woman, but for some reason he felt resistance. There was no way she was a virgin. Happy had asked Erza to explain a scene he saw between Natsu and Lucy, and his innocent question and description left the whole guild either beet red or nosebleeding. Determined, Gray lined himself up precisely and gave a sharp thrust.

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