You're Not Gonna Get Away

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I apologize for the hiatus. Honestly, this chapter intimidated the hell outta me.

This is the chapter where NaLu fans turn rabid and hate Rhov forever. To keep people from hunting me down, let me remind everyone that this fanfic is based on the Fairy Tail AMV "Super Psycho Love." This scene was a major part of that video, and may I say, Moonlessnight126 edited it in a way that looks amazing!

Now that I have an alibi that might appease everyone who may despise me, on with the story!


Lucy got ready for bed, a routine she had done for years: bathe, brush her teeth, comb her hair, take her pills...

Except when she went to take her birth control pill, the bottle was empty.

"Darn," she whispered. "I thought for sure I had enough for this week."

It was too late to go to the pharmacy for more. She knew that skipping one dose would be fine. She just had to make sure she took it tomorrow. Besides, Gray was out of town, so one skip was not a problem. She laid down in bed and fell asleep looking at the stars.

Since Gray was away on his mission, she let herself sleep in, then took her time getting ready that morning. First, she had to head to the pharmacy. Then she wanted to do some shopping with Levy, since tomorrow was Lucy's birthday. She hoped to get a little something special to wear for Gray, a present just for him. She could have gone alone, but she wanted to see Levy's panicking face as she looked at all the lingerie in the sex shop. She could probably convince Levy to buy something to wear for Gajeel, too. Those two were so hard to hook up, Lucy bet they had not even gotten to second base.

It was almost noon when she finally stepped out, and she hummed as she walked along the wall of the canal, waving to the boatmen who called out to her, with Plue following and mimicking her. She was almost at the pharmacy when she heard a voice that made her heart leap.

"Yo, Lucy!"

She stopped sharply, and with nervous stiffness, she turned around to see Natsu jogging up with a beaming smile.

"Whatcha up to?"

He sure sounded like the old Natsu. "Not much. I need to get some medicine."

His eyes widened in concern. "Are you sick? Should you be out of bed?" He sounded so much like the old friend who always worried about her. It was heartwarming to see that sort of Natsu once again.

"No, not sick, just..." She knew that if she mentioned birth control to Natsu, this playful and normal side to him might vanish. "It's not a big deal. So where are you headed? The guild is the other way."

"I was about to go to your house, but I smelled you this way."

"Go ... to my house?" Why was he searching for her? She worried a little, but his beaming grin dispelled her anxiety.

"I'm glad I caught up to you," he said cheerfully.

Lucy let out a tiny laugh. "Weirdo," she muttered. She forgot how much she missed Playful Natsu.

Happy flew forward from the opposite direction. "There you are, Natsu. Lucy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" she asked, worried if maybe she had a hickey showing. She was pretty sure she had covered all of those up with makeup.

Happy looked ready to talk, but his round eyes suddenly darted past her and widened in fear. Lucy quickly looked back to Natsu. If he had been doing anything, he wasn't anymore. A smile was still beaming on his face.

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