I Know You Want It

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Lucy walked along the edge of the river, her arms outstretched to keep her balance, feeling happy to be home with her rent soundly paid and a little money left over. Her birthday was coming up, so she planned to splurge on herself. She had just spent the afternoon gazing at dresses, purses, shoes, anything on display in the windows of Magnolia's boutiques. Her spirits were high, and she hummed a song she heard a street musician playing in the town.

Say that you want me every day,

That you want me every way,

That you need me...*


She froze mid-step, almost losing her balance, and looked up quickly to see the origin of the shout. Gray was a few steps ahead of her, waiting by her apartment with his arms folded over his chest and a gleam in his eyes nearly curtained by his lanky bangs.

"Gray!" she cried out in surprise. "What are you doing here?" Then she smirked a little. "I'm surprised you didn't just let yourself in like you normally do."

He stayed where he was, waiting for her with that piercing stare. Lucy hopped off the low river wall and walked up to him, letting her body sway a little with each step. She saw his eyes drop, watching her hips and thighs, and she smiled privately at just how ensnared she had him. If she could truly capture Gray's heart, this would definitely make Natsu jealous. More than anything, she wanted the Dragon Slayer to suffer for casting her aside so thoughtlessly.

"Lucy," Gray said softer, then he glanced beyond her, watching the street traffic. She waited, still smiling. If he was nervous about people overhearing him, then what he had to say must be truly good. As soon as Strawberry Street had a lull in pedestrians, he went on. "I was trying to keep things slow, I didn't want you to think I'm after you just for your body, because really, I'm not. You're much more than merely beautiful."

That made Lucy blush a little. "Much more, huh? I'm not just boobs and a body?"

"Any woman could have good looks," he stated. "You're not just another pretty face. I wanted you to realize that first but ... but dammit, you're too tempting."

He said it in a sneer, as if angry with her, yet she saw his eyes roaming her body, remembering how she looked when her yukata fell off, recalling how her wet skin gleamed in the hot springs, and yearning to see that bare body again. Lucy shifted her hips just slightly, and she watched his eyes follow their movement.

"I can't trust myself," he admitted softly, "so I want you to take the relationship at whatever pace you want. Whatever you're ready for..." His eyes were starving and dangerous as they gazed straight into her face. "...I'm more than willing to give it to you."

Jackpot! She grinned, and with just a nod of her head, Lucy invited him inside.

She walked through the front entrance and went up the main staircase to her room in the quaint rental home. As she walked and Gray followed her, she thought about how she should go about with this seduction. Should she change into something provocative? No, that might be too much. Perhaps she could light a romantic fire, and they could sit on the couch together until the tenderness of the moment led to more than just firelight kisses. No, Gray hated the heat, and it was still daylight in summer, so no need for a fire.

She was still plotting out her actions when she unlocked her door and walked in, instantly dropping her purse to the side and unlacing her boots. Gray also slipped his shoes off, but his eyes were utterly focused on Lucy. When she shut the door behind them, Gray reached over, covering her hand and latching the lock quickly. Lucy looked up in surprise by the swift action only to find hungry eyes on her. For a brief instant, she felt like he had locked her in, trapping her like a caged animal. Her heart fluttered, instinctively sensing she should flee before getting captured. Then slowly, forcefully, she calmed herself.

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