Off to Darkened Corners

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Dawn arrived in Lucy's bedroom like golden streamers gleaming through her light curtains. The blonde laid on her side where she had fallen asleep spooned into Gray's body. She hummed occasionally, dreaming of pleasant things soon to be forgotten with the return to the waking world.

Gray hardly slept that night. Everything about Lucy enthralled him. He spent hours just looking at how the moon shadows drifted over her cheeks. He had listened to every mutter, and he chuckled when she began to snore softly, more like the purr of a kitten than something annoying. He stared at her now, gazing down at his naughty princess, yet she slept like an angel. He carefully moved a strand of hair away from her cheek. Lucy hummed again, and a soft smile tweaked her lips before she fell back into a dream.

"Lucy," Gray breathed, as if her name was a prayer. "I love you more than anything. I'm not going to let your heart suffer ever again." His brow tensed as his determination to protect her solidified. "You're mine now. I won't let that bastard touch you. I'll kill him if he ever makes you cry."

His growl got a little too loud, and Lucy moaned. Gray froze, hoping she would sleep a little longer, wanting to stare at her bare shoulders and the back of her silky white neck just a little more. Alas, that was asking for too much. Lucy rolled onto her back, wiped the sleep from her eyes, and opened them to see Gray smiling down at her.

"Mornin'," she mumbled.

"A very good morning," he declared, then Gray leaned over and greeted her with a kiss.

Lucy laughed and pushed him away. Gray leaned back up with concern.

"Come on," she giggled. "I just woke up. I probably have morning breath."

He sighed and moved aside. Yes, she did have a little morning breath, but he found it charming. Lucy sat up in bed and stretched her arms above her head. The sheets fell, exposing her naked body down to the waist. Gray felt a surge at seeing her so angelic in the morning light. Unable to stop himself, he pounced on her, knocking her back onto the pillows.

"Hey!" she pouted, but she saw the starving look in his stormy blue eyes.

"I'm not letting you go yet," he growled, and Gray kissed her hard, crawling on top of her.

Half an hour later-and another shower-the two finally began putting on clothes. As Lucy adjusted her bra, Gray stared at her skin. It was a shame to hide away all that perfection.

Well, not perfect anymore! Lucy's nipples had red spots from Gray sucking on them so hard. There were two hickeys on her collar and a huge one on the side of her neck, plus smaller pink spots from where he had nipped at her. He lamented that she had finger-sized bruises on her hips from where he had grabbed her so hard, and she kept rubbing out a sore muscle in her inner thigh.

Yet all those subtle signs of sensuality made Gray chuckle smugly. Everyone was going to see at least the one on the neck. If Lucy's blouse dipped to the side, they would see the collar marks, too. He walked around behind her to help latch the bra hooks, caressing her skin as he moved the hair away from the metal snaps.

"Maybe you should wear a turtleneck," Gray suggested. "With all these marks on you, everyone in Fairy Tail will know who you belong to."

"Belong to?" she laughed, and she pointed a finger right at him. "Well, you better keep your shirt on or everyone will see those scratches I put on your shoulders."

His eyes widened in surprise. Had she really marked him, too? He went to a mirror and looked at his back. Sure enough, both shoulders had four welts from Lucy's nails dragging over his skin, as well as many halfmoon-shaped marks on his biceps where she had tensed up while grabbing him and dug her nails in.

Super Psycho LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora