Ending #1: Neutral Ending

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IMPORTANT EXPLANATION: Moonlessnight126's AMV, which this whole story is based upon, ends on a cliffhanger right at Natsu's confession of the rape, leaving the audience to come up with their own conclusion about Gray's reaction to the horrific truth.

I couldn't pick a single ending, so I made three: Neutral Ending, Sad Ending, and Happy Ending. You pick which one you like. Enjoy!

First, something where no one wins, and no one loses.


"I raped her!"

Gray's mind went blank at hearing those words. He realized that Lucy had been trying to tell him something, and he did not listen. He had jumped to conclusions before hearing her out. He had killed her when she probably wanted him to protect her from Natsu.

His magic ended altogether, and his arms dropped weakly to his side. He thought Natsu might take the opportunity to attack, yet the Dragon Slayer just stood there, pleased that his revenge against Gray had worked so well.

"Lucy wanted you to get pissed. It worked," the Ice-Make wizard muttered. "You wanted me to be angry at Lucy. That worked, too."

"And what do you want?" Natsu asked, still looking smug.

Gray shook his head. "Want? I have no clue anymore. Desires lead to pain and death. I don't want desires anymore. What do I want? Oblivion? Nirvana?" he wondered. "A world without happiness or sadness, without wants or desires." He looked up at Natsu with a sad face. Then he nodded his head to the door. "Go," he said in defeat.

Natsu raised an eyebrow. "Go? You're giving up?"

"I want whatever Lucy would have wanted. A while back, she asked me to fight you if you ever hurt her. She wanted us to fight over her, but this ... this isn't a fight over her anymore. It's just two people trying to murder each other. Lucy..." Gray gulped dryly as anger seeped back into pain and regret. "She wouldn't want either of us to die," he said with tears in his eyes. "I want to do what will make her spirit happy. So go. Just go," he sneered. "Leave Magnolia, leave Fairy Tail, and go somewhere far, far away. For hurting Lucy, you deserve death a thousand times," he growled, "but it's not what she'd want. If she did, she would have gone to the police immediately and reported you. She wouldn't have ... have hesitated ... telling me." Tears burned his eyes. "She didn't tell me. She probably knew I'd want to kill you. She said, 'I didn't want it to go this far.' She wanted us to brawl over her, not fight to the death. So ... just go. However, I'm warning you now, Natsu Dragneel." Icy fury crackled in his eyes. "If I ever see you again, I'll fucking kill you."

Natsu stared at him, debating this act of mercy. With his stomach as bad as it was, there was no way he could fight. They both seriously needed hospitals. The fight was over; they were still equal in strength. He asked, "What are you going to tell the guild?"

"Nothing," Gray whispered raspily. "I'm leaving, too. I'll head north, up to the mountains, live somewhere in the woods like Ur did. Who knows, maybe I'll take in a couple of brats and teach them Ice-Make magic."

Natsu nodded with understanding. "In that case, I'll head east."

Gray let out a sigh, as if his entire soul had aged. "We both fucked up so badly."

"Lucy fucked up, too," Natsu pointed out. "She was playing us both. She wanted us to fight."

"Guess so," Gray muttered. "All three of us are idiots going to hell."

"Then save me a seat in the hand-basket," Natsu smirked. He walked away and lifted his hand in a farewell wave. "See ya, droopy-eyes."

"See ya in hell, flame-brain," Gray muttered. Then he also turned and headed north, determined to get as far away as possible from this cursed town and escape the psychotic love that haunted it.

In another part of town, Wendy was focused over Lucy's body. The park was empty, people were still at home eating breakfast, so it was lucky that they found her before anyone else came and assumed she was dead. Indeed, Mira thought as much when she saw the blonde in a puddle of blood.

"It's working," Wendy said faintly. "It'll be enough."

Her healing green glow faded, and the tiny Dragon Slayer slumped forward. Mira patted her back. It was lucky she had taken Wendy with her.

Lucy's eyes opened slowly. "Gray?" Then she saw their faces. "Mira? Wendy?" She gasped and tried to sit up, but the pain in her chest splintered the nerves in her body.

"Don't move!" Wendy cried out. "It was a horrible wound, and I could only heal your heart a little. I'll try to do more later. I just ... I need to rest."

Lucy stared up into the sky. She remembered the look in Gray's eyes as he watched her fall.

"Gray..." A tear dripped down her cheek. "I ... I need to report something."

She had been too scared and ashamed to tell Gray before, and it led to this horrific misunderstanding. Now, she knew she had to tell the truth. As much as it hurt, as horrible as it was to admit her part in all of this, she had to tell people what really happened.

"Natsu ... and Gray..."



Okay, it was only fair to make something neutral, something where no one dies, it's not a happy ending but not a tragic ending. Personally, I think this ending sucks, haha!


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