Bedroom Eyes to Those Before Me

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Gray and Lucy laughed in her home as they drank wine and playfully touched one another, never so physically as to hint at sex, but enough to tantalize and tease, then back away for more alcohol. Lucy felt light after such a tense few days, terrified that Natsu might say something about her actions on their mission together. Luckily, he had not shown up in the guild since then. She did not know where he was, nor did she care at the moment. The boy had issues, and she sincerely hoped he was working through them.

"Ya know what I've never tried?" Gray said unsteadily, tipsy but still drinking. "Fuckin' an ass."

"I've fucked an ass," Lucy said, and Gray gawked at her. She giggled. "I slept with Natsu."

Gray was just drunk enough to find that hilarious, and they leaned against one another in giggles. "Nah, I mean doin' it anal. We should totally try it some day."

"How about on my birthday?" she suggested. "You can break me in then. My ass is virgin, after all."

"'Zat so?" he slurred. He reached around to rub her soft backside mounds. "Mmm, a virgin ass ... all mine. I can break you in, make you squeal," he said in a low, delicious threat. "Get my cock all filthy with your ass."

Lucy moaned at the thought of it. It sounded so wrong, so dirty ... so hot!

"I'm not sure if I want to wait two whole days until your birthday." Once again, his hands rubbed to entice her, moving up off the tush, over her hips, and sliding up to her breasts, only to pull back before she got too carried away. "However, I suppose I'll need supplies to try something like that, which I don't have." He rose unsteadily from the couch and grabbed hold of the table as the world went spinning for a moment. "Wow, I drank a lot," he laughed, and walked over to where he had thrown off his pants.

Lucy pouted as she watched him pulling on his discarded clothes. "Leaving already? You know, you could stay the night." She tried to give him her most seductive gaze, sweeping up over his abs, firm pectorals, and licking her lips as she finally made eye contact.

"Immensely tempting, but I have some special things to pick up in Hargeon Town tomorrow."

"Oh?" she smirked. "Could it be a present for my birthday?"

"You'll just have to wait and find out," he chuckled. "I'll need to sleep off this hangover, so I probably won't be back until late tomorrow. I'll see you on your birthday. Be good while I'm gone."

"I'm always good," she said seductively.

"Don't I know it!" he chortled, glancing over her svelte body. "But really, if I stay, we both know what we'll do, and I won't wake up in time to catch the train. Sweet dreams, Lucy."

"Good night, Gray. Safe travel."

He gave her one last kiss and a pat on the rump. "Save it a little longer for me," he said with a wink. "Oh, and while I'm gone ... don't touch yourself."

Lucy was momentarily confused.

"I don't want you to pleasure yourself. Only I can do that. Got it? I want you to crave me when I get back."

"I'm craving you right now, Gray," she smirked.

"Yeah, but ... I want you moist at just the thought of me coming back home to you. So don't touch yourself."

She shook her head at such possessive behavior, but she decided to humor him. "Same goes to you, then."

"My own hands are nowhere near as delicate as yours," he said lustfully. "I think I'd go insane if I couldn't have your touch."

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