Chapter 1: Who?

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Hello reader. I am not fond of this fic but I will keep it up to show I have grown when it comes to writing. The story is a whole ass mess and an excuse for me to write about monster fights and angst. Enjoy ig lol

Two months. It had been two months since Sunny and his mother moved into their new home in the city. Yet, it was still difficult for Sunny to get used to. It was an apartment, as they didn't need a lot of space, considering it was just the two of them. It was humble, but comfortable. Even though there were still boxes to be opened and things to be unpacked, the house looked mostly normal. And Sunny's life had been mostly normal since he left the hospital. Aside from losing his eye in the accident, causing him to wear an eyepatch to cover the scar (as it made him insecure), Sunny was able to fit in a little. He started attending school again, for the first time in four years. His mother had originally homeschooled him after he refused to go outside, but gave up as he would eventually stay in bed all day, drawing or sleeping. Now that Sunny was in school, things felt a lot different. He didn't like to talk to people, and avoided most other students. He of course participated in activities and raised his hand in class, but he wasn't much of a conversationalist, nor was he that fond of other people aside from the people he already knew. He didn't want other students to find out that he killed his sister four years ago. That would ruin everything. So he remained alone. He ate at lunch alone, he did projects alone, he walked home alone, and that was fine with him. Because whenever he got home, he would call his friends back in Faraway.

He always called Kel, Aubrey and Basil when he had the chance, and occasionally Hero, but he was busy with work and college and could only talk on the weekends. Sometimes Sunny would stay on the phone for so long that he would forget to do his homework. He was just so excited to talk to his friends, even if he was mostly listening to them ramble about their day or whatever else was on their minds. He would input things happening in his life on occasion, but mostly spoke about his interests and anything cool he learned at school.

Sunny started therapy. It was difficult for him, to let his emotions out. His therapist was named Dr. Klein. She was a kind woman, who did understand what Sunny was going through, but Sunny didn't like to talk about the past. Sometimes things would slip out, but other than that most of the work they did together was on social skills, because Sunny refused to say more than what Dr. Klein already knew about him from his documents. She didn't mind, however. She recognized that he had been through a lot, so it may take a long time to open up completely. Or at all.

Despite the strides Sunny was making in his life, he was still keeping things inside. Guilt. Anger. Fear. Hatred. His friends forgave him for what he did in the past, but he couldn't forgive himself. Whenever he was left to his own devices, all he would do was stare off into space, deep in thought. Usually thinking about how awful of a person he was. How much he deserved to suffer, instead of his sister. And lately, it had been plaguing him more than usual. Every day he would wake up and care less about his appearance, so often he wouldn't  brush his hair or teeth. When his mother and Dr. Klein noticed this, they encouraged him to take care of himself. Because he mattered.  Did a murderer really mean anything to anyone?

"Sunny!! Come in the living room for a minute!!"

Sunny flinched, nearly falling off his bed. He had been laying down, staring at the ceiling fan spin for the past hour. He was deep in thought. Or rather, self loathing again. After hearing his mother's voice, he heaved a sigh as he sat up and got off of his bed, walking to the living room. There his mother sat with the home phone in her hand as she sat on the couch, one hand covering the speaker.

"It's Kel's mother, she'd like to speak to you real quick. If that's okay-" She smiled softly, raising her brows gently as she did so.

Sunny was just confused. Why did Kel's mother want to talk to him? Why didn't Kel just talk to him instead? He really didn't like talking to other adults, but he knew that Kel's mother didn't mean any harm. But it still piqued his interest. Why Kel's mom? Sunny simply nodded in approval to his mother, taking the phone and placing it by his ear.

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